Ok. I figured out the mystery of how Sherlock survived the fall at the end of the Reichenbach Fall.
It's all in Scandal.
There's a document displayed over Sherlock's bed and they say in the commentary that Sherlock knows an ancient Japanese martial art and that's what that document indicates. Then the next morning from that scene, John is reading the paper which shows something about a historic hospital renovations or something and scaffolding.
So. That's the hospital,right? Sherlock falls from that roof, flings himself onto that scaffolding using those martial art skills and springs through a window. Meanwhile, Molly, who was waiting out of view hears a gun shot (Moriarty's suicide), and waits for Sherlock to "fall" and and she hauls Moriarty's body over that ledge.
How's that?
Sorry it's messy. I'm using an ipad and I'm in a rush. Have to leave for work.
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