i have a question...
why do we all still use this i mean besides the general hows life, we all just update and sound like proper emo's pouring our hearts out to the world.
so i think this may be one of the last updates i write, emphasis on the may.
i will still comment and check up on the gossip from time to time but i find it unlikely that i will update, more likely that you will find me on myspace.
so back to the random shite that we always tlk about on here that has happened lately, i wasnt at college amber cos i decided i was fed up of it and it was a waste of my life being sat in a room with a bunch of people who were not talkin 2 me at all.
so dad has found out about my getting a tattoo and told karen, they both had this huge go saying how it looks so common and ill look like a slag. made me feel real good bout myself, but this happens everytime.
i mean they told me not 2 get any peircings so i went out and got them.
screw them, i really cant b assed with it. if they dont like it do i really give stuff...er no is it gonna b on their feckin body no it'll b on me.
i mean its not as if im gettin some huge scull across my back is it? no its a little butterfly.
i aint gonna not get it just because his friends fucked up his. i mean yea i mite get the other 1 on my hip instead where as apparently laura had loads of problems from goin there.
i love butterflys and if its hidden besides me and rich who's gonna c it really. i can cover it up and i can show it if i want 2.
the music isnt helpin much with my :( mood, was readin some earlier updates ive made on here quite a while ago. im sorry to everyone who i have hurt through them, i take it back unless u really deserve it (people i still dont like and havent said sorry 2 before).
i really do hope that sometime in the future things get better for everyone cos some of the updates people make r really depressing. i kno that u all recon that life is shit, but i actually like mine most of the time. i mean i have an amazin boyfriend who means the world 2 me, my friends r amazin and r always there 4 me. (luv u guys x) lfie could be so much worse i mean just think about it i could hate my family, be single, have backstabbing friends still. but no i love my family and rich and i got rid of all the shitty friends i used to have.
btw if any of u are readin all of this im proud, i would of given in by now.
so gonna end it, i love all u guys and really hope that instead of postin on here u will come and talk 2 sum1 bout things that gettin u down. im always here kids. cya xxxx
I believe in you
I would die for you