Title: Coin Operated Boy
xnovacine_rushxRating: G
Pairing: Ryan/Brendon
POV: 3rd
Summary: Two quirky boys find exactly what they need.
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the boys.
Beta: Ana
It wasn't as if anyone got hurt. Not really. Brendon hadn't meant to wander into the art shop, He hadn't meant to sneak around to the back, following the attractive boy. And he certainly hadn't meant to see said boy cry. He watched the gold-eyed boy weeping softly, back against a shed. Brendon bit his lip. He knew he was too foreword sometimes; too outgoing. But he didn't see the point of denying things. So, of course he didn't just stand there. He marched over to the teary boy and sank to his knees in front of him.
"It'll be okay," he assured him confidently, placing a hand on the boys leg.
The guy slumped and began to cry harder. Brendon moved his hand to the head of silky, chestnut hair. He gently stroked the stranger's hair until he wore himself out.
"Thanks," he mumbled, meeting Brendon's brown eyes.
Stephen smiled, liking the boy already. Instead of apologizing which Brendon hated, he just thanked him.
"Anytime," he said and meant it.
He didn't ask what was wrong and it wasn't offered why he had been sobbing. He just rose shakily to his feet, holding a hand out for Brendon. Brendon grasped it, noting how cool and delicate it felt, and pulled himself up, his own mop of dark hair only coming up to the neck of the boy.
"Brendon," said Brendon.
"Well, see you tomorrow, Ryan."
Brendon smiled at him and strolled away.
Indeed, the next day Brendon was experimentally running paintbrushes along his wrist to see which were softest, when Ryan came up behind him.
"You know, you should try them on your face instead."
Brendon didn't tun around, but let the brush dance across his cheekbones, swirling under his nose.
He felt Ryan shrug.
"Feels cooler."
That was the best reason for anything, Brendon had ever heard. He turned around suddenly, and swiped the paintbrush down Ryan's face. It skipped along his pale forehead, and caressed his rosy lips, before dipping down under his shirt. Ryan just smiled, shivering slightly.
"I'll take this set," Brendon announced, holding the pack out to Ryan.
Ryan took it from Brendon and walked to the cash register, ringing it up. As he was slipping out the door, Ryan called to him.
"Fantastic brushes to paint music with."
It was Ryan who found Brendon next. Brendon was at his job; making smoothies. He sauntered out of the back room, untying his apron, and whistling.
"Take care of the next costumer before you leave, please," Dan instructed, hurrying past.
Brendon nodded, as a guy moved up to the front of the line. Ryan glanced at him, and smiled.
Ryan beamed at Brendon. He was cradling a hedgehog to his chest, his long index finger running over it's small spikes.
"Hello," Ryan said to him, and the hedgehog sniffled a little.
"Heya. How did you know where I worked?"
Ryan just smiled, not denying it.
"Just a guess. Shoe told me, too. When we got closer."
He gestured to his pet. Brendon didn't doubt a word. As he prepared the banana-mango smoothie, he turned to the pretty boy.
"Lets get some stuff cleared up," he stated, leaning over the counter, and closing the space between their lips instantly.
Ryan didn't hesitate before kissing back. He set Shoe down, and wrapped his arms around Brendon's waist. Neither boys cared that they were in public; no one was around anyways.
"I like you," Ryan whispered.
"I like you, too. Now lets find your baby."
Ryan grinned.
"She's fine. Probably found some fruit to eat."
"Oh, shame."
It was mere seconds before their lips were melded together again.