Dec 16, 2007 13:32
xMementoxXxMorix (1:26:50 PM): what i really want i dont think you could get me
xMementoxXxMorix (1:27:55 PM): i want stupid fighting to stop. and i dont mean just with the stuff thats happened in the past few days. im talking like the world. i want peace in the world. peace of mind.
steriodaddiction (1:28:30 PM): guess wat
steriodaddiction (1:28:33 PM): peace starts with u
steriodaddiction (1:28:39 PM): wherever u go do something
steriodaddiction (1:28:43 PM): like gandhi
steriodaddiction (1:28:48 PM): or martin luther
steriodaddiction (1:28:52 PM): just do it peacefully
steriodaddiction (1:28:56 PM): u cant change the world
Frankie you are one of my best friends. i never thought when i walked onto that bus freshman year that some 8th grader would turn out to be as insightful and caring as you are. i love you kid.
Ralph i kind of need to talk to you. its nothing horrible i promise. but i figure i should tell you before someone else does.
Jamie honey. id be nowhere without you. i missed freshman community building day and look at us now. im here whenever you need me. come to my door any day. i'll always let you in. we can eat cookie dough & complain about guys. i lovers you bestie.
Joe you probably loathe me. id apologize but i didnt do anything wrong. i told jamie something and she did what she wanted with it. but i am sorry that things suck now.
Katie i never meant to cost you that place. but it was your choice to leave. the only reason i said anything was because i thought jamie deserved to know. otherwise id have said nothing. if you cant be yourself then im sorry for that and that alone.
You. "i'm waking up and bakin' watching the parade cause today's the day i got over you" never thought id be able to do that. you wont ever be my friend again. so be it. im sorry.
ALI MARZA you dont have to sleep on the floor. ;) love you babe.
i always think of the question "if you could change one thing what would it be?" or the other "do you have any regrets?" and theres so many answers i could think to put. but looking at it. changing one thing or regretting one thing, could change more than one thing or lead to more regret.
ive been thinking and i go back to what i sed before. my new years resolutions:
1. work harder in school.
2. love. dont hate.
3. stop with SI & try not to go back.
4. stop completely with the EDs.
5. no more bullshit.
6. peace.