Apr 08, 2004 16:25
What in the hell do you mean you hold everything you feel inside? Everytime you get mad or ticked off, you blow up and make a big scene. And if you think it's funny, it's not, You're making a fool of yourself. And I'm tired of you always saying no one ever told you how to control your anger. That's bullshit, it's your mind, you learn how to control it on your own. You're not 5 anymore, you need to step up to the shit you do and be a mature person. And cutting yourself is not stepping up to the things you do. it's being selfish. You're just like my mom and her drinking, you keep doing it not caring if it's hurting anyone else. You have no respect for anyone. Especially your own mom. Do you honestly think she doesn't care that you pierce yourself everywhere? But it doesn't matter what she thinks does it.it doesn't matter to you what anyone else thinks does it? Just as long as your problems are put before everyone elses and your needs are met first. And what was up with that statement you made this morning when you said I shouldn't express my opinion like that when all i was doing was talking to you. And then as soon as Eric walked up you stood up and yelled so loud the entire cafeteria stared at you. You're the one who handles shit wrong. You make all of your problems so much bigger than what they really are. I wish that you could be me for one fucking day. You want to cry about how you hold everything in, try being me. See what all is inside my mind,see all the beatings and rapings i've gone through. Try holding that in, day after day, nightmare after fucking nightmare. But do I ever rub it all in your face constantly and make it seem like I'm the only one with problems? No, I dont think I do. Because if i did, I could have people feeling sorry for me all the time. And hopefully my critisism is getting through to you, because apparently everyone spoiling and babying you you isn't. Learn to stand up to all the stupid and man things you say and stop trying to make yourself look so innocent. You have a bad habit of yelling and saying mean things, then wondering why people get mad at you."
And yet again i manage to fuck everything up. I'm never having friends again, im never saying I love you again, i give up.