I get hungry in the afternoon

Oct 02, 2007 14:21

I keep a jar of peanut butter, easy mac, crackers and soup in my cube pretty consistently. That way if I forget my lunch I don't have to go buy one. Occasionally in the afternoons I get hungry though and I eat peanut butter out of the jar by the spoonful. I furtively hide behind the open door of my cabinet and shovel that shit in like a fat kid in the pantry with a jar of mayonnaise. It's really embarrassing. I don't know why.

I had some really bold thoughts about something or other but football displaced them.

Scott's question about 3 interests/hobbies that people don't really know about that have nothing to do with (banan)archy or hardcore culture is pretty strange to me. I don't really have guilty pleasures that I don't talk to people about. I don't collect decorative spoons or NASCAR plates. I don't have a fetish for chainsaw art. I sing in the car, but it's usually along with hardcore albums, so that doesn't count. I talk about spectator sports all the god damn time (though to be fair I do play team sports whenever I get the chance.) I like video games too, but I don't hide that. I guess I don't talk about it with any of the super anarchists I know, but I don't need to; that's not what we have in common. I read sci-fi. I rent television shows to watch on DVD a year after the season is over. I drink a lot. I'm sure I would do a lot more if I didn't work 10 hours a day and have a house to take care of whenever I can muster the motivation to do anything. Most of the time I don't even have the mental energy to play video games. I don't know what that "lot more" would be though. I'm tired of talking about anarchist thought, philosophies of a better tomorrow, intellectual masturbation on stale themes.

A commenter on one of Scott's livejournal thought experiment essay games asked why simple shit always has to be framed as an act of resistance in activist circles. You plant a garden you are using seeds you bought(or stole) from a store. You ride your bike made of steel that you don't know how to make, welded together (which you also don't know how to do), more likely than not, by a robot in a factory in Mexico or China for substandard wages; you can collect an assortment of parts produced in the same black box that the steel and frame came from and attach them to that frame in a meaningful way. However, riding bikes is something little kids do in their neighborhoods all the damn time... it's not resistance, it's a choice, it doesn't impact anything but your own life, what is it resistance to, being fat? The rubber on your tires and your grip tape and the plastic your shoes are made out of are the oil products that cause much more environmental damage than roads or cars do, and most people are more dependent on these things. You run a bookstore that sells for a suggested donation books produced on presses that are outside of worker control using paper that is questionably sourced paying for gas in the tank of the sports care that THAT factory owner runs; books that talk a good game about being the change you want to see in the world, but are regurgitating an old hat and very little analysis is synthesized about what are essentially pop activist psychology books on the same order of "7 habits of highly effective ultra rich neo-cons" and the most recent Oprah book club self help selection. The time invested in reading this shit and rehashing it into pulp is the same as watching reality TV, the same goes for books about impending environmental collapse, peak oil (which only matters if you love capitalism), nuclear foreign policy, etc.

That shits been going on a long time. Truth be told I don't know a single person who would stand a snowball's chance in hell of surviving a complete collapse, they are all dependent on something that the system they so despise provides them, mostly food, and the tools to produce food that are outside of their production. The most ardent and vocal supporters of this change depend on the waste of capitalist over production to survive, via dumpster diving and shoplifting.

I don't know what my point is.

food, consumerism, things better left unsaid, current events, politics

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