ah ha!

Jan 24, 2006 09:19

So, I have an uncle who was spent nearly the past three years traveling the globe. He married a woman in Turkey (her name is Delict, she is pretty awesome and taught us all a Turkish tile game called OK at xmess). He has definately over the past few years made some short term large dollar loans to family members at a low rate, and is generally awesome.

Before he sold all his concrete assets in San Francisco, I believe he worked for a pharmaceutical/biotech company that was doing AIDS research. I'm assuming he still owns hella stock in that company. If I remember correctly the companies name is Gilead. Infoshop had an article today that connected some dots. Gilead does in fact primarily market and sell HIV/AIDS medicine, as well as Hep-C, Hep-B and some medicine for really really nasty athletes foot... and TamiFlu.

If you have even heard a newscast in passing in the past two months, you have heard about Avian Bird Flu PANDEMIC!!! scare tactics. TamiFlu is the proposed god and savior of man in the case of the AVIAN BIRD FLU PANDEMIC!!!! In fact the US government is stock piling it like fiends right now. Fun fact that I don't care to validate but I'll believe it, Rumsfield, George Schultz (former sec. of state) and former CA governor Pete Wilson's wife all have a controlling interest in Gilead.... Rumsfield used to be Chair of Research, Schultz and Mrs. Wilson are both on the Board.

Because of the impending AVIAN BIRD FLU PANDEMIC!!! Roche, the manufacturer of TamiFlu (Gilead get's 10% licensing fees from all sales by Roche), expected sales in 2005 to top $1 billion.

fun circles.


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