(no subject)

Jun 09, 2005 09:25

1. Full Name: lucas b.(you arent getting that out of me) king
2. Were you named after anyone? anyone remember a couple on old soap operas named luke and laura?
3. Do you wish on stars? if u dont then youre lame (ps kelley totally still does i bet but pretends to be cool)
4. When did you last cry? i think its been around a year
5. Do you like your handwriting? when i have a flat surface i love it
6. What is your favorite lunchmeat? jalapeno cheese
7. What is your birth date? february 27, 1984
8. What is your most embarrassing CD? i dont think my awesome collection is embarassing...but most would say the spice girls...either the full length or 1 of the 2 singles i bought along with it
9. If you were another person, would YOU be friends with you? more like arch rivals. for one there would be no way in hell the 2 of us would have time to communicate or hang out...we wouldnt even be able to get in touch with each other except for text msgs. and 2 who likes someone who always beats them? i wouldnt
10. Are you a daredevil? well i dont fear too many things...but im not dared too often either
11. Have you ever told a secret you swore not to tell? not if its something that didnt need to be told
12. Do looks matter? yeah but so does everything else...whoever made the survey is the shallow person singling out this one characteristic
13. How do you release anger? i win, i rub it in. this includes sports, games, trivia, driving, pottying, basically i dominate at life. This allows me to let go of my anger and also prevents me from getting upset.
14. Where is your second home? definitely kels house. i basically have a dr. pepper stash, my two gf's (mochi and izzy), and they have tivo...with bill maher on it...could anyone ask for anything else?!?
15. What was your favorite toy as a child? balls, all different (sports!) kinds of them.
16. What was the most useless class in high school? drama (and ill toss on the dumbest ones i never took...BAND and choir)
19. Do you use sarcasm a lot? im going to use this spot to point out that someone deleted questions 17 and 18....i dont appreciate that one bit
20. What are your favorite movies? romeo and juliet, office space, napoleon dynamite..lots
21. What are your nicknames? everyone seems to have their own for me...tender crisp seems to be kels most common for me
22. Would you bungee jump? well yeah but id rather skydive
23. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? seriously...why couldnt u guys have deleted this question....WHERES 17!?!?!?!? I WANT 18?!?!?!
24. Do you think that you are strong? not as strong as i should be
25. Favorite ice cream flavor? peppermint (and NO its not mint or chocolate mint)
26. Shoe Size? 13
27. What are your favorite colors? blue, pink
28. What is your least favorite thing about yourself? im a workoholic
29. Who do you miss most? i used to miss friends that lived far away...now its more of the ones that pass away that i seem to miss
30. Do you want everyone you send this to to send it back? i probably wouldnt read all of them anyways
31. What color pants are you wearing? blue scrubs
32. What are you listening to right now? dawsons creek...right now dawson is bitching to his swinger parents
34. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? macaroni
35. What is the weather like right now? well its about 78 degrees and mostly shaded in my room
36. Last person you talked to on the phone? text msg - kelley
37. The first thing you notice about the opposite sex? either smile or smell
38. Do you like the person who sent this to you? SOMEONE ERASED QUESTION 33 AND LEFT THIS BULLSHIT QUESTION ON HERE INSTEAD!
39. How Are You Today? well i just finished working what turned into a 13 1/2 hour shift...
40. Favorite Drink? dr pepper, green koolaid, energy drinks
41. What is your favorite sport? FOOTBALL, if u didnt know this then u havent been through september with me
42. Hair Color? dark brown but it gets lighter with sun exposure
43. Eye Color? grey. but they kind of change with my clothes sometimes
44. Do you wear contacts? im the only one in the family who doesnt need contacts or glasses...i told u people i win at everything
45. Favorite Food? kelley makes this sandwhich...if u guys play your cards right then i might talk her into making u one too. the macaroni she makes is also pretty much the best thing thats ever happened to me with my clothes on
46. Last Movie You Watched? the lords of dogtown.
47. Favorite Day Of The Year? Red River Shootout
48. Scary Movies Or Happy Endings? scary movies
49. Summer Or Winter? what about the other seasons...this survey sucks
50. Hugs OR Kisses? howabout cuddling...whered that get left at?
51. What Is Your Favorite Dessert? i make this cheesecake braid thing...its pretty amazing
52. Who Is Most Likely To Respond? someone from the group of people that read my journal AND list me as a friend
53. Who Is Least Likely To Respond? anyone from the group of people who took me off or never had me on their friends list but still read this trash
54. Living Arrangements? just me and the sis in the big pF town
55. What Book(s) Are You Reading? i have no time to read...but when i do im halway through hil. clintons book
56. What's On Your Mouse Pad? d.fi hair products
57. What Did You Watch Last night on TV? one lady at work has an affinity towards cops...and my sports buddy was watching the softball game...i spent lots of time in those two rooms
58. Favorite Smells? kelleys laundry detergent (on her clothes of course) and t. hilfiger freedom for her
59. Rolling Stones or Beatles? ROLLING STONES...ps hate me 4 LYFE but the beatles are overrated
60. Do you believe in Evolution or Creationism? a little bit of both
61. What's the furthest you've been from home? geographically hawaii
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