(no subject)

May 10, 2005 01:20

After reading other peoples journals, ill add in that i finished with a 99 average on all of my finals.

A couple of hours ago kelley made me a sandwhich that i found in FHM magazine. She hates the magazine bc of the scantily clad women, i love it for the articles. The point though, the sandwhich is fucking amazing. Its out of this world. Its a cheese and mustard sandwhich. The bread is soked in a batter made somehow out of an egg, a full cup of milk and a bowl of crushed cornflakes. Seriously, incorporating my favorite food (cereal) into my 2nd favorite food (bread) and making it my 3rd favorite food a sandwhich...well if thats not the greatest fucking idea ever. Seeing how were very southern and country, its then fried until its all crispy. The damn thing even makes the crunch noises with every bite. Next time shes talking about adding jalapenos and i tossed in an idea of pickles. That, my friends, is heaven. The sandwhich might as well be a ring on her finger, theres no way i can part with it.

Now off to Whats Eating Gilbert Grape?, before heading to Dallas in the midst of a 6 day span that includes Dallas, San Antonio, Austin and Lubb-cik what what?
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