(no subject)

Dec 02, 2009 22:10

In Character Information

character name: Byakuya Kuchiki
canon source and the point from which they're taken: Bleach: Around the time of the Hueco Mundo invasion, somewhere around chapters 295 to 297
character's age: Actual: 242 Appears: 24

canon powers, skills, pets and equipment:

Terms to Know:

Reishi: The particles that exist in the air and manipulated by beings with high spiritual awareness.

Reiryouku:The spiritual power within a shinigami. They tap into this source of power whenever they do a specialized technique.

Reiatsu: This is the pressure that someone spiritually aware will feel when faced with it. The stronger the pressure is, the harder it is for those of a weaker pressure to endure. Captain level shinigami can bring weaker ranks to their knees, paralyze them with fear and even suck the breath from them.

Soul Society: This is where all whole souls or Pluses live after their death. It is divided into two sections, the 'Seireitei' (aka Court of Pure Souls) where only the Shinigami and those that serve them live. A gate separates Seireitei from the lawless region just beyond, Rukongai. Rukongai is separated into eighty districts. District One, closest to the gates is the safest and well-cared for place while District Eighty is the worst.

Hueco Mundo: This is a desert landscape, always night, where Hollows roam and thrive.

Transient World: The world where humans live. Also called The World of the Living, the Material World or the Real World.

Garganta/Senkaimon: A Senkaimon is used by Shinigami to travel between the transient world and Soul Society. Any shinigami can open this pathway and pass through safely as long as they have a Hell Butterfly. The doorway looks like a traditional Japanese-style door. A Garganta is the method in which hollows pass through from Hueco Mundo to the Transient World. Instead of a doorway, it literally tears a hole between the two worlds. Inside is a tunnel of whirling energy, dark and oppressive and dangerous for inexperienced Shinigami to travel through. It requires a shinigami to create his or her own bridge using the energy within the tear to pass through.


Every Shinigami is required to carry a Soul Phone. This phone isn't used like normal cell phones to simply chat. The purpose of it is for Shinigami on missions in the transient world to have contact with Soul Society at times, should they need back up, make a report, or to get further orders. The Soul Phone also has a GPS (global positioning system) that pinpoints exactly when and where a Hollow will appear to help them with their job. The phone also records information on the Hollows slain, as some Hollows have bounties, allowing them to gain something more for working harder.

A zanpakutou is the most important item a shinigami carries. They look like nothing more than normal swords and are usually carried at the shinigami's hip, however they are much more than that. A zanpakutou is a physical manifestation of their soul and unique to each shinigami. Each zanpakutou has its own name and spirit that are discovered by the shinigami in order to achieve the first release, shikai. The power, just as the name and spirit, are unique to the individual shinigami as well, unleashes in various forms, usually changing the size or shape of the sword. In order to gain captaincy (in most cases), like Byakuya, a shinigami must know bankai. Bankai is the second release of a zanpakutou that increases the users power five to ten times. Bankai can only be achieved when a Shinigami has been able to physically manifest their spirit into the real world and force them into submission.


In the Bleach universe, there are supernatural beings known as Shinigami (aka Soul Reapers) or Death Gods. These beings are invisible to any who aren't spiritually aware because they're made of spirit particles, rather than atoms and thusly, age much slower than humans and have a much greater endurance. Their job is to slay Hollows, spirits so filled with negative energy like regret, sorrow, or greed they lose themselves and devour Pluses, souls of the dearly departed that haven't yet passed over but are whole and benevolent. They send the Pluses onto Soul Society through a process known as 'konso'.

'Konso' is a technique every Shinigami is capable of using. In this ritual, a Shinigami takes the hilt of their sword and places it against a spirit's forehead and, usually, utters a reassuring word to those who are afraid or confused. This process sends the souls to Soul Society and allows the Shinigami to maintain a balance between the transient world and the Soul Society.

This process also happens when they slay a Hollow, though it's not the same ritual as with a plus and is called 'purifying' rather than 'konso'. When a zanpakutou kills a Hollow, the zanpakutou cleanses the Hollow of the sins it committed after becoming a Hollow. However, Hollows who were cruel and evil men when alive are not able to be cleansed and, when they are killed with a zanpakutou, instead of going to Soul Society, they are greeted by the Gates of Hell and sucked into the hellish world.

Byakuya is known for being one of the most proficient users of shunpo or 'flash steps'. A 'flash step' is a high speed movement used to move great distances with the fewest possible of steps. Those with untrained eyes (and even those with) have a very difficult time being able to see these movements. They seem so fast that it appears that they vanish from sight. Most shinigami can use this technique, but some, like Byakuya, have techniques to make shunpo a rather deadly practice.

Senka or 'Flash Blossom' is a technique of Byakuya's own making and by far his favorite technique to use when he's looking to end a battle quickly. With Senka, Byakuya uses shunpo to move behind his opponent and deliver two thrusts with his sword, effectively destroying both the flow of spiritual power and the soul body. Of course, Senka is not perfect and strong, fast, perceptive or talented warriors have shown on numerous occasions to be able to block it.

Utsusemi, (Way of Onmitsu, 3rd of the Shihou), or 'Cicada', is a seceond technique he's been seen using. This technique is used to evade and confuse the enemy. It's so fast that it leaves behind a 'clone' that looks and bleeds (and judging by the confusion roused, it must feel real when pierced), as if it were really Byakuya. The clone disappears after distracting the opponent long enough, leaving only an article of clothing behind. Utsusemi can be very taxing and he's only been seen using it once per battle. The most important thing to remember that he only uses this in the most dire of circumstances because it was taught to him by Yoruichi Shihouin, a woman he bears a strong grudge against, spanning more then one hundred and ten years. Once an opponent catches on, it would be relatively easy to read the pattern. In order to use Utsusemi, it would be good to note that an article of clothing needs to be left behind to receive the damage. His options are limited with it.

Kidou or 'the demon arts' is a collection of spells that all shinigami learn how to use in the Shinigami Academy. Kidou spells are ranked from one to ninety-nine and are divided into two categories: hadou, or destructive spells and bakudou, spells that bind an opponent. Usually, an incantation is required to use them properly, but anyone good at kidou can forego the incantation and use them effectively. Byakuya has been shown to use high level spells, without the incantation and still maintain a pack quite the punch. He's most infamous for the use of Rikujou Kourou, a powerful bakudou spell that uses six rods of light to trap an opponent.

Byakuya, like all shinigami, has the use of a reishi platform. This platform is made by gathering and solidifying reishi beneath their feet. Reishi is usually invisible, except in places like the Garganta, where it's highly condensed, giving them the illusion that they are actually walking, running or standing in midair. Of course, this is like the ground. They can be knocked out of the air.

Most importantly, is Byakuya's zanpakutou. The sword named 'Senbonzakura' or 'Thousand Cherry Blossoms', can be released with the release command 'Scatter'. Senbonzakura glows pink for a short moment before its blade breaks apart into a thousand tiny blades too small to be seen. When they reflect the light, they glow pink and look like falling cherry blossoms. These blades are controlled by the hilt still in Byakuya's hand and can slip around many defenses. This of course depends on Byakuya's reaction time. Like all zanpakutou, their release can be stopped if the sword is bound or attacked with an equal force.

As a captain, Byakuya's zanpakutou has two releases. He's already mastered his bankai and it is also something he's rather proud of (and often tells an opponent how proud they should be to die by it). In order to release Senbonzakura Kageyoshi (Vibrant Display of a Thousand Cherry Blossoms), Byakuya holds the sealed form of Senbonzakura out in front of him, blade pointed down, and lets go. The sword phases through the ground, leaving behind energy ripples, and the area around both him and his opponent turns dark and ominous. From the ground raises a thousand gigantic blades in two rows. Senbonzakura Kageyoshi must be activated with a trigger phrase ('Scatter') and has four formations or 'Scenes'.


Senbonzakura Kageyoshi's initial release. The thousand blades that rise from the ground scatter, a much larger version of Senbonzakura's shikai release. It's unknown how many blades there are, though Byakuya has speculated that there are 'tens of millions' and there are more than enough to provide both offense and defense at the same time. This stage of release is controlled solely by his mind, meaning they are only as fast as Byakuya himself can react. Should something move faster than he can predict, he can switch to using his hands, a more effective and faster method, tripling the speed at which Senbonzakura Kageyoshi can react.

For the purpose of forum play, he will not be able to use both at the same time, a post in between before he can switch between offense and defense of his bankai.

Massacre Scene

Senkei is Senbonzakura Kageyoshi's true form and is announced by the name for the formation, followed by his bankai's name. In this form, Senbonzakura Kageyoshi surrounds both Byakuya and his foe in a dome-like structure, circled by four rows of numerous, pink-glowing swords that resemble Senbonzakura's sealed form and are vulnerable to his will.

While incredibly intimidating, the point of Senkei is to increase offensive power by focusing it into fewer blades to strike with. Compared with its initial bankai release, Senkei takes fewer strikes to debilitate an opponent and far less concentration to maintain. Even though he can mentally use these concentrated blades to attack an opponent, Byakuya takes a more honorable approach when using this formation by summoning a blade to his hand in a one-on-one fight.

As solid as they seem, Senkei's swords can also easily disperse back into Senbonzakura Kageyoshi's initial release, replaced and the dance begins again.

Pivotal Scene

The Gokei formation is much like Kageyoshi's initial release. In order to activate, Senbonzakura Kageyoshi must be in its initial release and called by the name of the attack, followed by the name of his bankai.

While it is much like an attack Byakuya might use in his initial release, Gokei is fueled more by his emotions of anger and thus, far more dangerous than the 'Scatter' formation. The millions of petal-like blades swirl violently around the opponent, trapping them in a sphere. As it swirls, any methods of escape are blocked and no spot is blind from the torrent of blades as they collapse in on themselves and explode.

Though usually immune to the effects of his zanpakutou, even Byakuya has to shunpo from the area to avoid the resulting shockwave. It is possible to guard with a powerful barrier. However, since Byakuya is rarely consumed with the anger that usually takes to fuel this attack, he uses it very rarely.

Shukei Hakuteiken
Final Scene, White Imperial Sword

Shukei is Senbonzakura Kageyoshi's final formation and is very different from all of its other scenes, both in its structure and the way it is summoned. In order to activate it, Byakuya calls it 'Shukei, Hakuteiken', completely obliterating the use of the bankai's name.

Shukei's power is immense, wiping out the defensive power of 'Scatter' and the intimidating procession of 'Senkei'. Byakuya represses all of Senbonzakura's blades into a single sword, drastically increasing the offensive power of the blade, ensuring that it is, indeed, the 'Final Scene' of the battle, as its name suggests. The surges of reiatsu that escape are white in color and wrap around from his hands, forming wings with a halo on his back, taking an appearance similar to that of a bird. While it's a pretty formation, it's for nothing but show as it is the sword that packs the real power.

Ichigo was able to counter Shukei, though barely, with his own surge of reiatsu and so, anything equal in power can withstand a blow from it. Like any last blow, all power is focused into the offensive power of the sword in his hands. Defense, kidou, shunpo... he has no use of any of these and must be careful when using it.

non-canon powers: Due to the mist, Byakuya can be seen by any normal being, with
or without spiritual awareness.

canon history: Byakuya was born into the noble house of Kuchiki, a house that stands as one of the four great noble families bearing the most influential power in Soul Society. With no brothers or sisters, it fell on Byakuya to take the helm of 'heir' and lead his clan to a prosperous, lawful future.

His duties started at a young age and he sought to fulfill them all. It didn't matter what it was, he was more than happy to please--completing his role was of the utmost importance and he'd allow for no distractions.

As a young boy, it was clear Byakuya was trained in the ways of handling a sword, often practicing on the grounds of his home when he wasn't buckling down on studies of culture, history and proper etiquette... and all the other different things an heir would need in order to successfully carry on the family name and make it proud. He aimed to especially surpass his grandfather, who was both the head of the Kuchiki family and the captain of the sixth division.

In spite of being the sole heir to a very important clan, the young Kuchiki was easily provoked and regarded few worth his time. If they were not helpful in aiding his succession, they were in the way and Byakuya was adamant about allowing nothing to distract him from his duties as the future head of his family, even to the point of making little speeches in regards to those who threatened his pride as that heir.

Even though he refused to allow anything stand in his way, it still didn't stop him from expressing himself, whether it was a feeling of happiness or one of irritation. It was fairly easy to rouse a reaction, to urge a smile or to earn a scowl. His rash behavior was often an exasperation for his grandfather, who, while confident in his skills, felt that Byakuya needed to control himself a bit more before he could ever consider taking over his role.

Yoruichi Shihouin often took great pleasure in getting him to react, initiating games of tag using shunpo with various taunts and insults to his pride (even granting him the nickname 'Little Byakuya'), rather than the boy himself. He never seemed to be very receptive of her, or Kaien Shiba, whom he, too, had a loose relationship with, being a member of the noble Shiba clan, but even so, he never once turned down any of her challenges and chased her off, throughout Soul Society, constantly improving his Shunpo so that he may one day catch the Goddess of Flash.

During those times of tag, Byakuya learned several methods of using his shunpo to maximize the technique with less effort. Yoruichi's impertinent attitude, while not something a young Byakuya had tolerance for, believing that all noble clans should have responsible and respectable heads like his own, had led him to discover his own techniques using shunpo, as well as making him an incredibly effective user at a young age.

While Byakuya could have already had a place in the sixth squad ready for him due to his noble status, he still attended the Academy to hone his skills as he attempted to bond with his zanpakutou, discover its name and cross the next threshold into his life as the heir to the Kuchiki line. Once he graduated the academy, Byakuya moved straight into the sixth division.

As he matured and began to grow more accustomed to the life of a Shinigami, especially after the disappearance of his tag partner, Yoruichi, Byakuya's temper and abrasive personality mellowed out into a calm, responsible and respectable leader. He was not unfeeling, but to the public's eye, as it should have been, he was a much younger version of his grandfather and when it came time to hand over the reigns of the family's affairs, Byakuya became the twenty-eighth and the youngest head of the Kuchiki family.

It wasn't long after that Byakuya met a young Rukongai woman by the name of Hisana. Hisana was a kind and gentle young woman, a far-cry from the ruthless politics that his family was involved in. It was expectant that Byakuya take a wife as his status as head of the household took effect and spread to the noble families. Instead of choosing a bride of noble birth, he chose the commoner woman who stole his heart.

Even as head of the household, it was not a simple matter, wedding a commoner. The House refused to accept it, did not care to acknowledge her and demanded he choose another that would bear a suitable heir. Her frail appearance did not help matters, but Byakuya's heart remained set and the brazen young boy he'd locked away to step up to his duties was released from his cage and fought their decision. In the end, he was given his permission to marry her and he did so swiftly.

Byakuya and Hisana were married for five years. There were few chances to spend much time together, but those times were precious to him. Only Hisana had been able to bring out certain things he was never able to show in public, such as outward concern for her well-being. Unlike most noble husbands might, Byakuya never oppressed her and allowed her to roam freely, even in Rukongai, a dangerous, lawless place, if she so wished. He had knowledge of her visits and while he worried for her health, he didn't force her to give up her search.

Hisana had been respectful, kind and sweet until the very end. They often did a few activities together, such as walks around the Kuchiki estate and drawing together, giving birth to Byakuya's poor artistic talent that he's terribly proud of.

Hisana died in the spring of their fifth year of marriage beside her husband who, while not visibly showing emotion, was torn apart. Five years was such a short time for one who lived with the possibility of thousands. He had grown to accept her illness over time, but even so, death will always leave its impact on the soul. It wasn't until on her deathbed did Byakuya learn of Hisana's deepest regret.

In Inuzuri, she had abandoned her baby sister and her only request was for him to find her, protect her and never reveal that she had an older sister. He resolved then, holding her hand even after she passed, that he would do so, honoring the very first and very last request from his gentle wife.

It was the following year that he had found Rukia, the sister his beloved wife had abandoned, enrolled in the Shinigami academy. True to his word to his late wife, Byakuya quickly adopted her, again in spite of the clan's wishes, into the family.

When it seemed apparent that Byakuya, a shinigami who had sworn to uphold the laws as the head of the Kuchiki family, a role-model to set the standard for all of Soul Society, had come into the habit of breaking the rules of the household for such selfish reasons, he made a vow on his parents graves. There he promised he'd never break another law again, no matter what it was, no matter his personal opinions on it. It was imperative that he forget he had those imposing thoughts called feelings in order to keep his promise.

It was shortly before Rukia had joined the Gotei 13 that Byakuya gained his captaincy, finally surpassing his grandfather as both the head of the family and as captain of the sixth division, only increasing his need to enforce his word and the laws that held Soul Society together.

As one last act before he finally sealed away that part of him that cared deeply about the things that went on around him and caused him to react, he used his influence to ensure that Rukia would be safe, even among the Gotei 13, by restricting her from gaining a seated position in her squad, even if she may qualify for it. His last selfish act completed, he locked away those unnecessary things called emotions and distanced himself from Rukia as much as possible, appearing indifferent to her successes and failures.

When Rukia was accused of abandonment and slated for execution, Byakuya was one of the two shinigami sent to retrieve her. While he seemed completely heartless towards her situation, he was terribly conflicted, forced to choose between his love for his wife and his sister, or that of his vow to his parents and the law. Determined to keep his word, he allowed things to proceed, ignoring all sides of the argument, including his own, to get through those days. Their individual opinions did not matter--only the law.

He fought against any who sought her release, with extreme prejudice, taking out all of the bottled up emotions on any who dared trample on the laws and the pride of Soul Society. As the battles wore on and as he saw the determined gazes of those he fought and aspired to kill if they raised their sword against all that he stood for, his resolve chipped away. At Renji Abarai's defeat, he stated that his 'fang had finally reached [him]', an implication that though Renji had lost, he still left an impact. It wasn't until Ichigo Kurosaki's victory over him that he gave up pursuing Rukia's execution.

When the truth behind Rukia's execution was announced, it was Byakuya who stepped in to protect her from a fatal blow, using himself as a shield for his little sister. Later, as he lay so severely wounded, he broke his promise to Hisana and told Rukia the truth about his feelings and about his wife, her older sister.

Byakuya's attention after that was solely spent focused towards training himself and his division for the upcoming Winter War. When Sousuke Aizen kidnapped the young Orihime Inoue, he was ordered to bring back the Advance Shinigami team in the Transient world who were scouting for activities of the traitors. His heart wasn't in this order as he gave Renji and Rukia cloaks to protect them from the harsh terrain of the desert landscape of Hueco Mundo and told them that he only had orders to bring them back--whatever they did after was up to them.

When it came time to make their move, Byakuya was one of four Captains, along with three Vice-Captains and a seventh seat officer that entered the Garganta to make an attack on Aizen Sousuke's stronghold and rescue those who had already infiltrated, deep within Hueco Mundo.

personality: Born into nobility, Byakuya's personality reflects that of what one would expect of someone of his status--a cold, ruthless man who has no patience for idiocy, disrespect, or games. He holds great disdain for those who forget their place in society or attempt to trample all that he was raised to uphold and believe, particularly the laws of Soul Society.

While some of his fellow colleagues have little care for their titles, Byakuya hates nicknames and the use of his name informally. Even his own wife and sister referred to him with honorifics and respected his status among society as the head of one of four great noble families. While there are exceptions, very few regard Byakuya without some sort of title and those who don't earn his immediate dislike. So far, the only one he has ever allowed to get away with calling him by nicknames is the child Vice-Captain of the eleventh division, Yachiru.

He doesn't get along well with others due to his cold, always calm personality and rarely speaks unless he deems it necessary. There are times he comes of colder than he truly means, something that's been packed into his head ever since he was a boy. Everything is kept behind a strong mask of indifference, not even allowing his thoughts and feelings to be seen by his sister or those he holds in high regard, perhaps even considers friends. In truth, Byakuya is not really cold and heartless, but he must hold himself as a role model for all shinigami due to those titles, even when he doesn't agree and wishes to take measures to do what he feels is right. He denies that he has any emotion because when it comes between the law and his personal feelings, there is no contest--he must uphold the laws. This leaves him very much conflicted.

Even with those conflicting emotions, when he sets to complete his duty, he comes off almost robotic. He places sole trust in the laws that he was raised to believe were flawless and when he raises his sword, it's to preserve the peace that a lawful world has, a peace he treasures deeply. He will believe in no other truth.

In battle, he seems arrogant, stating that his opponent has no chance of winning or that they are arrogant for comparing themselves to him. He talks slightly more in battle and as it wears on, it usually comes out more and more the more he feels his pride is trampled on. These statements seem terribly arrogant, but Byakuya is a perceptive fighter. He doesn't speak unless he is sure of himself and whatever he says is almost always the outcome.

Byakuya, however, does care for those he trusts and respects, though the number may be few. When he comes to terms with the fact that the law is not perfect, he takes into consideration all points of view. He is rather protective of his sister and anyone who should dare raise a blade to her will face the quiet fury that seethes within, a force that even he cannot withstand.

His respect is difficult to earn, and he doesn't even seem sure how one can attain it. For those he shows great dislike to, he will refer to them as 'brat', 'boy' or, in the case of Yoruichi, 'that woman'. For those he has little care for, or those who have yet to earn his respect, he calls them by both their first and last name. Very few are ever called with their appropriate title or first name alone. The only ones he's been shown to refer to with some familiarity are his sister, Rukia, his Vice-Captain, Renji and his late wife, Hisana.

The noble Captain Kuchiki does have another side, though not what one would expect when thinking of a stoic man, cold to even his own family ties. Byakuya has been shown, on occasion, to have a sense of humor. To those listening, it may not seem like much--his jokes are unfunny, strange or hard to grasp because he gives no indication that he is, in fact, joking--but he kids around nonetheless.

There are times when Byakuya does let down that mask by displaying interest in hobbies. Most of the activites he partakes in are ones he can do by himself, but as the chairman and possibly president of the Calligraphy Society, he tends to invite people to his manor to share in club activites, even providing snacks to those who attend. He also goes to the tea ceremonies held by Head-Captain Yamamoto and sits with others interested in the art of it. In the realm of art, Byakuya is not against drawing or sculpting. Though he's rarely seen doing them, he takes great pride in his artwork, even if it is way below par. His beautiful handwriting does not transfer to his artwork. However, Byakuya is still very fond of it and takes insult when someone does not see the beauty of it, especially his character that's become a sort of avatar for him, the Seaweed Ambassador. By far, Byakuya's favorite pasttime is talking walks, especially at night, to observe the sakura trees, the koi pond and especially the moon.

Special Note: Before you get intimidated by his bankai, I'll tell you not to. Just because it's listed does not mean that it will be used, if ever. Even if it should be used, I'm not so cruel to use its full potential, so never fear!

character information

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