IC Contact

Dec 02, 2009 22:28

[Careful button presses and a short pause.]

Contact is only necessary should you have valuable information.


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plantbased November 19 2010, 00:35:56 UTC
I hear you're the guy who's in charge of the Policing Division. I'm sure you're pretty busy, so I'll get right to the point --

I'd like to join.


xnoble_reasonx November 19 2010, 01:58:03 UTC
... what qualifications do you possess?


plantbased November 19 2010, 02:03:19 UTC
Other than preferring peace over fighting, order over chaos, I'm pretty good with a gun.

[....'Pretty good', he says.]

I'd be willing to give a demonstration, if that's what it takes. It's just that after seeing the way the situation with Remus was handled...I think this is the place for me.


xnoble_reasonx November 19 2010, 02:13:53 UTC
Your 'gun' will be useless if you do your job efficiently. Are you capable of diffusing a situation without it?


plantbased November 19 2010, 02:18:23 UTC
Guess that's what I'll have to do, then.

Yeah, I'm capable. If you ask me, that's the best way of doing it.


xnoble_reasonx November 19 2010, 02:22:08 UTC
I will need your name.


plantbased November 19 2010, 02:32:35 UTC
It's Vash.


Just Vash.


xnoble_reasonx November 19 2010, 06:24:29 UTC
... Vash. [He should argue, but Byakuya's patience is already severely thin. He'll simply have to watch him.]

I will assign you a time and an area to patrol. You'll report in to me at the Patrol Headquarters. Do you have any questions?


plantbased November 20 2010, 00:37:12 UTC
Just one -- will donuts be provided?


xnoble_reasonx November 20 2010, 01:01:21 UTC
... donuts.

[That actually translates to: '... what?', but you know.]


plantbased November 20 2010, 03:13:30 UTC
Donuts. I always do better on a full stomach.


xnoble_reasonx November 20 2010, 05:14:10 UTC
Eat before you arrive.


plantbased November 21 2010, 23:32:50 UTC
[Vash whines a little, but doesn't argue.]



xnoble_reasonx November 22 2010, 14:53:18 UTC
[... you're Renji in disguise, aren't you.]

Is that all?


plantbased November 23 2010, 00:15:53 UTC
That's it!

See you at the morning workout! [Wait, morning workout? Wasn't he just talking about donuts?]


xnoble_reasonx November 23 2010, 10:06:45 UTC
... Dismissed.

[What does one say to such a strange person? Nothing. There's just nothing.]


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