IC Contact

Dec 02, 2009 22:28

[Careful button presses and a short pause.]

Contact is only necessary should you have valuable information.


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[voice] oop first non-Shiba l_shrugged August 27 2010, 03:02:44 UTC
Good evening, Kuchiki-san.

I believe I've settled enough to return to the force, though I require some clarification. My skills do not lie in field work and, as such, I would assume my prior "self" negotiated alternate arrangements. Is this correct?


[voice] xnoble_reasonx August 27 2010, 03:19:56 UTC
I know nothing of your arrangements with my predecessors. I don't know anything about you, either. [A recluse, as he recalls. Only remembers him from reporting in to Yagami.]

Merely tell me your skills and I will assign you to a squad accordingly.


[voice] l_shrugged August 27 2010, 04:22:13 UTC
[Unfortunate. The list is murmured in a detached tone, deliberately selective in sharing particular skills and withholding others.]

Pattern detection, deductive and analytical reasoning, interrogation, computer skills, lie detection and knowledge in psychology and the law - the latter of which may be less than notable.


[voice] xnoble_reasonx August 27 2010, 04:39:37 UTC
I've already found a use for you.

Shall I brief you on the current situation, or would you rather wait?


[voice] l_shrugged August 27 2010, 15:12:59 UTC
[Low murmur of dissent.]

What's the situation?


[voice] xnoble_reasonx September 2 2010, 04:11:36 UTC
Human remains.

The display is done by something obviously not human. I require you to look over the evidence given to me and decipher whether or not it was a sentient creature in human guise or a beast of the Mist.

This is something you can do, is it not?


[voice] l_shrugged September 2 2010, 04:39:08 UTC
Given that the evidence is sufficient, yes. That would be within my capabilities.


[voice] xnoble_reasonx September 2 2010, 05:14:39 UTC
A video will have to do. The bodies have already been eroded by the Mist. The Force has already been instructed to look out for more. If one is found, you will be among the first I contact.


[voice] l_shrugged September 2 2010, 05:43:15 UTC
I have seen a video and, while I would like to examine a corpse directly, accurate work will require more than guesswork. I will need the information; perhaps files your men have been keeping on the case, describing victims' appearance, age, times of attack and so on.

Has it become common practice to formally question those victims that return from death?

[Ah, such an absurd question, his mind points out.]


[voice] xnoble_reasonx September 7 2010, 11:40:16 UTC
[If he were the type, he'd voice his displeasure about the things handed to him, or lack thereof.]

I have only just been informed of this. Matt and his companion are the ones providing me the information. So far, my men have not come up with anything.


I'm not aware if my predecessors spoke to those who've returned.


[voice] l_shrugged September 8 2010, 20:41:36 UTC
[A faint sense of pride that fades as quickly.]

I understand.

I'll speak with these men and compile stable files for reference. One cannot be certain whether they will remain to transfer information to future relevant officers. I'll deliver copies to the current patrol's Headquarters- [Edited, perhaps.] -when I have organized the information efficiently.

Ah, I will be needing a private, sterile location for any future autopsies. I prefer to work alone, but I will permit an assistant's accompanyment if Kuchiki-san would like to oversee my work before placing trust.

[A beat.]

It would be advisable to require written reports of major incidents by members of the patrol.


[voice] xnoble_reasonx September 11 2010, 15:24:29 UTC
I shall see what I can arrange.

... [A tiny stretch of silence] I never was given your name.


[voice] l_shrugged September 11 2010, 16:18:30 UTC
Thank you very much.

Oh, my apologies. That was presumptuous. I introduced myself last we spoke; I'm Hideki Ryuuga.


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