Oct 19, 2005 00:08
Like all I did was lay in bed depressed today. I feel like such a shitty person. I layed in bed depressed so much today I fell asleep and missed eating dinner with Andrea. I hate myself. I am also such a shitty person I forgot today (or yesterday I should say, the 18th), was my Dad's birthday. What a great son I am. I can't do anything right, except lay in bed and do nothing. I took a little self screening thing today. Turns out I have both depression an anxiety. Lucky me. Also got my MGMT 217 test back today. Got a 70. Apparently that is a high C. But it doesn't matter, it's not good enough. Considering I don't understand a fucking thing in Accounting and Math I am stuggling because I missed so much class, I can't afford fucking C grades. Fucking Fuck.