there has been something wrong with my head for some time now. it's been hurting a lot again and making me feel incredibly sick or just plain out of it. i've also been having some pretty strange dreams, especially when my head hurts before i go to bed. i need to go to a neurologist again but it's too expensive and i'm afraid of MRIs.
anyway, i had a a really weird dream last night. i forget exactly how it started but em and i were at this swamp-lake thing. we saw some bubbles in the water and decided to follow them and catch whatever was under the water. it turned out that it was a turtle. so, we caught it and we were petting it. then, i got out of the water, went to a house, and i slit my wrists. i was really worried about ruining my tattoos though so i slit around them and decided to ask someone if they thought my tattoos would be alright. i walked out into the main part of the house and apparently there was a party going on. i was walking around asking people and they kept telling me they still looked fine but i should cut more. it was bizarre.
on a lighter note, i have some things i've been meaning to post. i wrote three short analysis on anime for one of my classes last semester. they're not the best because they were just short little papers we had to write once a week. nothing fancy but i got an A on all of them and i thought they were pretty ridiculous. i don't remember if these were final copies and i didn't re-edit them so disregard any spelling or grammar mistakes.
Marxist and Materialist Analysis of Tenga Toppa Gurren Lagann
If I were to analyze the anime series Tenga Toppa Gurren Lagann using the Marxist and Materialist principals, I would focus on the structure of the society from the Humans to the Anti-Spirals and the post-time skip commodity fetish of Humans being able to live on the surface.
When the show begins, the audience comes to understand that humans now live under the surface of the earth. However, not all humans are pleased with doing this. Kamina, a rebel in his village, gets the digger Simon to help him with a plan to break through the ceiling and be free from living underground. His plan is stopped when a gamen, a robot piloted by a Beastman, who is fighting a woman named Yoko, crashes through the ceiling of the village. Simon, who has found a small gamen while digging, shows Kamina his findings. Kamina tells him to get in and pilot it. They defeat the gamen and break through to the surface of the earth. It soon becomes apparent that there is a Marist hierarchy in society. The Humans are the proletariat. They are forced to live underground and those that make it to the surface are hunted by Beastmen. The Beastmen are the bourgeoisie; they control the working class, or the Humans. They hunt the Humans and either kill them or force them back underground. The Spirals, such as Lord Genome, are the aristocracy. The Beastmen answer to the Spirals the Spirals control what the Beastmen do. The Spirals essentially own the land and make the rules for the entire society. This society is structured in the Marxist organization of society.
However, much like during the Russian Revolution, the proletariat, the humans, rise up to defeat the Beastmen and Spirals. They defeat Beastmen and capture their gamen for their own use. Though Kamina dies in the process of doing this, Simon and others, such as Kittan and Leeron, take over and win the battle Kamina began. After this, there is a time skip to seven years after the war. In this post-time skip village, Kamina City, Simon is the president when he learns that the Spirals were controlled by a higher power, the Anti-Spirals. He finds that the Humans were forced underground because once the population reached a certain number the Anti-Spirals would crash the moon, a giant gamen, into the earth, killing everyone on it. To control the population, Lord Genome and the other Spirals had kept the humans under the surface. Though Simon’s people turn against him and even imprison him for some time, he is eventually released and allowed to fight against the Anti-Spirals to save his village. There is an upper aristocracy in Gurren Lagann and the proletariat must defeat every class above them before they can truly change their society.
There is also a commodity fetish within Gurren Lagann. This can be seen in the post-time skip Kamina City where the average citizens go about their daily lives without thinking of all of the work it took and all of the lives that were lost in making life better for them. The name of the city, Kamina City, and the giant statue of Kamina should serve as a constant reminders but this is not the case. When the Anti-Spirals attack, the Humans are quick to blame Simon and imprison him. They take living on the surface for granted and it takes the second war to remind them of exactly how they came to living on the surface after so many years of being forced under the surface of Earth.
All in all, the society in Tenga Toppa Gurren Lagann has a Marxist structure. The Humans are the proletariat, the Beastmen are the bourgeoisie, the Spirals are the aristocracy, and the Anti-Spirals are the upper aristocracy. Humans are controlled by the Beastmen and the Beastmen answer to the Spirals. The Spirals control the land and the politics of the land, however, it is later discovered that the Anti-Spirals control a good deal of the Spirals’ actions. After the proletariat uprising, a commodity fetish also forms among the Humans. They forget the hard work that went into freeing them and being allowed to live on the surface. They take this commodity for granted. Tenga Toppa Gurren Lagann is a very Marxist television show because it shows a structured society where the proletariat rises up to create a change in society but they still develop commodity fetishes.
Race, Ethnicity, and Post-Colonial Analysis of Fullmetal Alchemist
(for kimmers <3)
If I were to analyze the manga Fullmetal Alchemist by Hiromu Arakawa using the race, ethnicity, and post-colonial principles, I would focus on Kimbley’s racism and violence toward Ishbalans, Scar’s reverse racism toward the State Alchemists of the Amestris Military, and the fact that Miles is bi-racial (half-Ishbalan) and continues to be part of the Amestris Military.
During a war between the Ishbalans and the Amestris Army, State Alchemists are brought in on Amestris’ side to be used as weapons of mass destruction thus turning the war basically into genocide of the Ishbalan race. One alchemist, Zolf J. Kimbley, or the Crimson Alchemist, takes pleasure in being called to fight in this war. Kimbley’s alchemy specializes in creating bombs and he blows up much of the Ishbalans’ land, killing many in the process. Unlike most of the alchemists who only attack those who get in the way or fight back and who are remorseful about their actions, Kimbley seeks out Ishbalans to murder and enjoys watching them die. Kimbley is arrested for war crimes after the war is over, however, once he is released, he continues to show hatred toward the remaining Ishbalans. This shows that Kimbley is very racist toward Ishbalans.
While fighting in the Isbalan War, Kimbley finds an Isbalan priest traveling with his brother. The brother of this priest has been studying alchemy, even though it is forbidden by their religion. He has turned his right arm, by means of transmutation circle tattoos, into the Right Arm of Deconstruction and the Left Arm of Reconstruction. His alchemy is powerful but when Kimbley attacks them using his explosive alchemy killing all those he was traveling with and severely injuring his brother (a deep X-shaped cut was across his face and his right arm was blown off), he uses his alchemy not to fight, but to transmute his right arm onto his brother’s body. The priest’s brother then dies. When the priest, soon to be known as Scar, wakes in a makeshift hospital being run by two kind, Amestris doctors, he immediately kills them because they are from Amestris. From then on, he takes revenge for his brother and people by killing State Alchemists. Because members of the Amestris Army, such as Kimbley, were racist toward the Ishbalans, a reverse racism was created. Scar shows reverse racism toward State Alchemists.
Moreover, when Edward Elric, the protagonist of the manga, arrives at Briggs’ Fortress, he is shocked to meet a soldier with brown skin and red eyes (traits characteristic to Ishbalans). Miles explains that he is bi-racial, and that his Ishbalan traits come from his grandfather who was Ishbalan. This comes as such a shock for Edward because he knows that during the war, those Amestris Soldiers who were of Ishbalan ancestry were imprisoned during the war and discharged from the army. Miles, however, was lucky enough to work under Olivier Armstrong, a strong-willed leader, who refused to discharge Miles because of his race. She claimed that ethnicity has nothing to do with how good of a soldier a person is. Miles, in return, is extremely grateful to her for this and serves as her assistant. Though Miles wears sunglasses so that his red eyes do not cause scrutiny, he is extremely proud of his Ishbalan heritage and he is not ashamed to take his glasses off in front of others. When Miles runs into Scar, Scar asks him why Miles remains in a military that was the cause of genocide of their people. Miles responds by telling him that he remains in the army in hopes of provoking change. By being an exemplary soldier, he hopes to change the perception of Ishbalans. He will use his race to cause a change for the good.
Overall, the manga Fullmetal Alchemist by Hiromu Arakawa has a great deal to do with the issue of race. There are characters that are racist, such as the Crimson Alchemist, Kimbley, who kills Ishbalans for fun and derives pleasure by doing so. Also, a reverse racism is created through characters like Kimbley. Because Kimbley murdered his family and friends, Scar hates all State Alchemists and vows to create vengeance for his people by murdering all State Alchemists. There are also characters who want to use their race to cause change. Miles is an example of this. He is part Ishbalan and has Ishbalan characteristics yet he stays in a military that nearly destroyed the Ishbalan race in hopes of changing Amestris’ perception of Ishbalans. These characters are prime examples of how Hiromu Arakawa uses race in the manga Fullmetal Alchemist.
Gay/Queer/Lesbian Analysis of Kuroshitsuji
If I were to analyze the anime Kuroshitsuji using the Gay/Queer/Lesbian principles, I would focus on the “innocent homosexuality” between Ciel and Sebastian represented in the ways they speak to and touch one another as well as Ciel being the more dominant figure in the relationship despite his young age and small stature.
Ciel Phantomhive is the young heir of the noble Phantomhive household in, somewhat anachronistic, Victorian England. Sebastian Michaelis is Ciel’s butler who attends to Ciel’s wishes no matter what, protects him, and pampers him. Unbeknownst to most, Ciel has secretly formed a Faustian contract with Sebastian because Sebastian is a demon butler. Though this is a seemingly innocent relationship between a master and his butler, one can pick up hints toward “innocent homosexuality” by listening to the dialogue between the two. For instance, Ciel is constantly telling Sebastian that the butler must stay with him and protect him for the rest of the mortal’s life. In episode six, when Sebastian confronts Ciel about not shooting a relative, part of the Jack the Ripper murder team, who was about to kill him and claims that it was weakness on Ciel’s part, Ciel tells Sebastian that he did not shoot because that is Sebastian’s job. “I thought you would protect me with your life […] that’s why I order you: do not betray me and do not leave my side! No matter what.” To which Sebastian replies, “yes, my lord. If you wish, I will follow you no matter where you go. Even if the throne crumbles and the brilliant crown rusts, even if the empty shells of pawns pile up, and we rest upon their decaying bodies, I will lay beside your small form. And until the last bell tolls, until that time…” It is clear from these statements that Ciel and Sebastian see each other as more than just master and butler, demon and human. They have a deeper bond, yet they never act in blatantly romantic or sexual ways toward one another. Therefore, this emotional dialogue is an example of “innocent homosexuality”.
Moreover, the way Ciel and Sebastian touch one another can also be seen as “innocent homosexuality”. Sebastian is constantly patting Ciel on the shoulder or placing his hand on Ciel’s back. Also, instead of getting a tutor to teach Ciel how to dance, Sebastian insists on teaching Ciel himself. When he tells Ciel that he should smile while dancing, he leans in as if to kiss Ciel, however, he does not kiss him, he simply forces Ciel’s mouth into a smile with his hands. Another instance of Sebastian touching Ciel in ways that can be viewed as “innocent homosexuality” is in episode two when Sebastian save Ciel after he has been kidnapped and beaten. Sebastian carries Ciel back to the mansion and Ciel allows himself to be carried until his other servants pick on him for it. In episode three, Ciel disguises himself as a female in order to blend in at a party and capture the suspect in the Jack the Ripper case. Sebastian poses as Ciel’s tutor and, in order to get closer to the suspect, Sebastian suggest that they dance over which they do. The closeness and manner of touching one another can be perceived as “innocent homosexuality” because the pair touch one another in ways other than friends, or a master and his butler would touch.
Though it is apparent that Sebastian initiates most of the physical aspects in his relationship with Ciel, Ciel can actually be seen as the more dominant in the relationship. He is constantly bossing Sebastian around telling him what to do. This is clear in the dialogue between the two: Ciel tells Sebastian to stay by his side for the rest of his life and Sebastian always agrees. Also, Sebastian caters to every want and need Ciel has. In episode one, Sebastian is trying to ready the house for an important guest while also cleaning up the mess the rest of the servants have made. Yet, Ciel still calls upon Sebastian to get him a snack and Sebastian complies. Moreover, Ciel is also the more dominate figure in the relationship because he created the bond between them. He sacrificed his soul to have Sebastian remain at his side. Therefore, Sebastian vows never to leave Ciel and even allows Ciel to change his name from his demon name to Sebastian. Though Ciel is younger than his demon butler by hundreds of years and is significantly weaker, he is the dominant figure in their innocently homosexual relationship.
Overall, Kuroshitsuji is an anime about the relationship between a young hair and his demon butler yet there are undertones of “innocent homosexuality” within this text. They pair discuss Sebastian never leaving Ciel’s side which is something only lovers discuss as often as they do. Also, the ways in which Sebastian touches Ciel, though not sexual or blatantly romantic, can still be viewed as signs of affection and love between the pair. Also, Ciel, despite being young, not very strong, and a mere human, is the figure in the relationship that initiates the “romance” between the two. He tells Sebastian that he must never leave his side, protect him, and cater to his needs. Sebastian complies no matter what. Because of these factors, Kuroshitsuji can be seen as being innocently homosexual with Ceil being the character to initiate the relationship and interactions between Sebastian and himself.
ugh... i have to be up and ready to leave at 5:50 tomorrow for a psychology conference.