I came home from my parents' house tonight to find my oldest fish dead. I've had her since late 2004--bought her with a gift certificate to Pet Zone (best local store around) that James had bought for me. She was a coral beauty angel, and a very cool one at that. Full of personality and all. She was my favorite. =(
My overflow stopped working last night, so I moved the heater into my main tank since the pumps weren't bringing water from the sump. I don't know if her death was related to that or not, but I don't imagine it was. The temperature was stable and normal, I had the powerhead going for flow, and there are buttloads of live rock for biological filtration. She also looked like she had a sort of fungus when I removed her, so I changed like 10 gallons of water tonight, what is probably almost 30% of my total volume. All the other fish look okay and everything else is still alive. We'll see what it's like tomorrow I guess when Joe comes to fix my overflow.
These are older pictures, but I don't have any up on my Photobucket. Plus Webshots has that nifty preview feature where I can make these smaller to post. No cuts since they're small and this is a memorial post.
[Also, please vote in
this poll, and if you put dull & lifeless please explain why, I know who you are and I'm curious as to why you think that.]