Mar 16, 2009 23:48
I babysat Ashley's nieces, Natalynn and Kiera, today. Natalynn is 23 months old, and Kiera is 6 months old. We had a pretty good time. I watched them two days ago, when Ashley was in WB, so she could take Courtney (her sister/their mom) grocery shopping. No one wants to grocery shop with two little kids, right? Haha. Natalynn had a little meltdown that night when I wouldn't let her play with Courtney's new comptuer (she isn't allowed), but today was virtually meltdown-free. At one point, Natalynn had a poopy diaper and she did NOT want me to change it (Melanie, does Bia ever do that? lol wtf?) and Courtney said she did that to her the other day, too. She cried when I got her pants off and the diaper off, then once I wiped her she was happy again. I dunno, haha. Kiera only cried for like 5 minutes before her nap, then Natalynn napped shortly after. She likes to hold your hand while she sleeps, so I couldn't move at all, so I fell asleep on the couch with her for a few minutes while Ice Age was on. They both woke up right before their mom got home.
Courtney always feels bad asking me to watch them, but really, I don't mind at all. They're good kids and I love them both, they both like me (I love you! says Natalynn), and I have the extra time right now.
I wish I had my camera to take pictures. =( My charger has been missing for like a month. James and I went through my room together on Saturday evening looking for it and couldn't find it. I was able to use Ashley's charger for a little while on Saturday, so I could get some power in the battery to lend the camera to my dad. He's in DC right now with the other firefighter union representatives--he left Sunday early afternoon and is coming back Wednesday sometime.
I miss Ashley. I'm too poor to make frequent trips to Bloomsburg, and I only saw her for like 2 hours while she was here on Friday. I was all set for months to go to Bloomsburg for the weekend of April 10, because Cabinet (Megan's brother's band) is playing at a bar down there on the 11th, but I just realize a few days ago that Sunday the 12th is Easter. Son of a bitch. =( That frees up that Saturday for me to potentially go to Mountain Top to see Titus, if James wants to go/I'll be able to find the place/the cover isn't too expensive, but I'd rather be in Bloomsburg.
I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow that James is coming to. We'll see how that goes.