Title On That Wall
Pairing: OnKey
Genre: Fluff, Romance,
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I don't own SHINee. Only own the plot.
Summary: Jinki was busy on Kibum's birthday... So why not celebrate the day before?
And with that, Kibum went back to ravishing his boyfriend on the wall in the living room. )
And YES. >_< RP has taken over my mind... Which means that my drabbles are going to be... oh my. >_>
And yes. I'd rather have a LOT more than that. When I say I'm a sexually frustrated girl. I mean it. I never get outta the house Nicole XP
But yes. I know.... That's why the computer has become a very nice friend. :P
Computer = <3
List of OTP XD
1. TaeKey /Your fault.
2. OnKey?
3.... I dunno. o-o OnTae or HyunMin.
... Mine ish
1. Taekey
2. 2Min
3. JongKey
fdalksjflkdsajf HOW DARE YOU. ;-; YOU HAVE FORGOTTEN ABOUT 2MIN. -throws ninja stars at you- ...(-changes pic to 2min just to do it..-)
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