
Jun 20, 2007 21:52

Yes I have started the process to go back to school. I'm trying to get into YTI on July 23rd for their computer systems specialist program. I thought that I'd be shooting for their October courses but when I talked to them they told me that the only morning classes that they had before next year where in July. So I have been thrust into this. I'm excited and scared all at the same time. I don't know what to expect with all this, but I'm excited becasue I do think it's something that I will really enjoy. The school is much bigger then I thought it was and they offer some interesting aspects that make it sound even more interesting like being able to go back and take a course here and there to refresh yourself or learn whatever has become new. So yeah I know have about a month to get all my finances in order and take their compass test. I also have to get my car into the shop and find money to get it inspected. Just sitting here typing all of this I'm getting anxious about school. I guess the main thing this time around is that I know I have support behind me. Much more then last time which was really just my family. I also know that I have to do something in my life to get me back on track. I really can't keep going like this. Not without knowing that there's something at the end.

Other then that things seem to be going well. I'm still doing the vegetarian thing and am still dieting. I'm discovering new foods all the time it seems. I'm trying a lot more things now also then I ever had before. I eat mushrooms now, hell I eat vegetables now! It kind of feels great. I'm already feeling better about myself then I have in awhile.

Eat vegetarian pepperoni
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