Mar 22, 2005 23:36
okay, i have a new layout, thanks to geraldine : ) NO! she did not make it, lol, it's a premade someone made, i like it, but i have already changed it around, lol, okay, so springbreak so far is okay, if i didn't screw up my legs, it would be SO GREAT! I went to the mall today, and i saw two really hot guys... but they weren't hotter than Cam ^^*. my dad needed to go there because he is going to start working at a car dealer ship! he's selling infiniti's!!! We are going to get alot more money now ^^* lol yay! lol more shoping for me!! lol well, suprisingly, i didn't buy anything, but my dad bought 3 pairs of pants, 2 or 3 shirts, and a really nice watch, for his new job. he also bought a new carrier for his cell phone, his old one broke, so he needed a new one. when we were coming home from the mall, we drove by brookstone and i saw kyle daly on his bike waiting to cross the rode.. i was like... "whoa... there's kyle daly... sitting there on his bike... cool..." it was weird... OMG! I LOVE THIS SONG! Spongebob is on, lol, "You make a loopty loop and pull, and your shoes are looking cool!". One of the best songs from spongebob, but i personaly like F.U.N better. lol, well, there's my update!
yOu KnOw WhO i'M iS!!!