It is only the 18th and I already have my five stars in Nerdopolis. For Nerdopolis University: Pluto and Friends, I made a
crocheted pumpkin treat bowl which is orange like Jupiter. The pattern pic looked so big, so I was surprised at how small this turned out. It'd be good for holding Hershey's Kisses. For Carousel Nerdception: Sidekicks and Pets, I made
another baby chocobo. The eyes turned out better on this one, I think, but still no where as cute as the pattern pic, which used felted eyes. Eventually I'd like to make felted eyes myself. For Wildcard: Boo! I made a
Tunisian scarf. It had two new stitches in it. I had to watch a video to figure out the twisted stitch, and I did the shells wrong at first due to misreading where the repeat was. But I eventually got it, and it turned out nice. It's destined for the frog pond, though, because I used yarn earmarked for a shawl. Finally, my last two stars were in Area 51: Oldest WIP. My oldest WIPs are Summit Seekers projects, so instead I made a
knitted pumpkin and finished a
Seraphina's Shawl that I started in a fit of anxiety on September 30th.
I also started my
Harvest which is coming along nicely. I haven't worked on it for a week, though, because I'm trying to finish my
Meandering shawl by the ministry meeting this Friday. As if I didn't have enough to do, I saw someone post a nice crocheted shawl that features a butterfly stitch, and
started one myself, which I'm also going to try to finish for the meeting.
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