Game of the Week: Fluxx

Jul 03, 2015 15:50

Fluxx at Board Game Geek

Fluxx is a card game of changing rules for two or more players. One of the fun things about Fluxx is that new players can join the game at any time. The game starts with each person being dealt three cards. One player then goes first. The basic rule is "Draw 1 card, play 1 card". In Fluxx version 3.0 (the version I own), there are four types of cards: (1) Keepers; (2) New Rule; (3) Action; and (4) Goals. Keepers are played face-up in front of you. New Rule cards are played in the center of the table. New Rules take effect immediately; for example, if a New Rule says you can only have 1 card in your hand, everybody must immediately discard cards until they have 1 card remaining. There can be multiple New Rules in play at a time, but if a New Rule contradicts an older rule, the older rule is discarded.

Action cards are followed as written when played. An example would be "Draw 2 cards and use 'em" in which you draw two cards and play them in the order you choose.

Goal cards describe the current goal of the game. One of my favorite goals is "The person who has both the Milk and Cookies Keeper cards is the winner."

Play continues, with each person playing a Keeper, New Rule, Action, or GOal card until the current goal is met.

Fluxx was featured on an episode of **Tabletop**, Wil Wheaton's board game webseries. You can watch it here:

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