Nerd Wars, BAMCAL, and other Ravelry challenges

Feb 11, 2013 11:00

Since I've been knitting and crocheting a lot lately, I've also been spending my fair amount of time on Ravelry. I thought I would share some of the groups that are keeping my interest.

Nerd Wars

Nerd Wars is awesome. Players divide into teams based upon a specific nerdom. A few examples: Team Browncoats for fans of Firely/Serenity, team Jazz Hands for fans of the theater, Team 1-Up for fans of video games, and Team Hypothesis for fans of science. Each tournament lasts three months, with each month composing one round. Challenges are posed in five categories: Discovery, Encyclopedia, Nerdology, Giving Geeks, and Flexible Schedule. Players can also choose to do a dissertation: a project that will take three months to complete. There is no minimum participation required for Nerd Wars; you can join a team and should life implode and prevent you from answering any challenges, that's ok! No one will think less of you.

An example of a challenge is this month's Nerdology challenge, A NERD'S DREAM DATE:Today is you lucky day! You have won a dinner for two, for you and your favorite character from another nerdery!

Now here’s the crucial question: what will you eat?

Your challenge this month is to craft something inspired by the food your favorite character from another nerdery loves so much. Please tell us in your submission who you would have dinner with and what food inspired your project.

Tournament 7 is already underway, but it's not too late to participate! You can't join a team at this time, but you can still play as a Ninja Warrior! Since this is my first time playing in Nerd Wars, I decided to be a Ninja for this tournament. I've already completed the Nerdology and Encyclopedia challenges, and am working on the Discovery challenge.


Short for Block-A-Month Crochet-A-Long, the BAMCAL's goal is to crochet an afghan in a year by completing 1-4 blocks a month (afghan size varies by how many blocks you do). I'm doing both 12" squares a month, for an afghan that will be 6x4 blocks.

Other challenges:

Harry Potter House Cup

The Harry Potter House Cup is very similar to Nerd Wars. Players get sorted into houses, and answer challenges posted under each class. There are also OWLs, NEWTS, and something called BROOM. There is a minimum participation requirement of 1 class per participant. There also seems to be a limit to how many people can get sorted per month, but those who are not sorted can still play as a Not Quite First Year student.

I know less about this challenge since I just discovered it recently via a Nerd Wars player, but thought I'd mention it since I know there's some Harry Potter fans amongst my readers.

Dishcloth Weekly

The Dishcloth Weekly Knitalong is just that. They offer both crochet and knitting patterns. Dishcloths are a great way to practice new techniques, or get some instant gratification since they work up so quickly. This week they are learning how to do entrelac, in both knitting and tunisian crochet.

Crochet Clothing Crochet-A-Long

When I first joined Ravelry I was more of a crocheter than knitter, so it didn't take me long to discover the Crochet Clothing Crochet-A-Long. Members vote on what project to make; this latest round, they're looking at skirts. I haven't yet made anything, but I love that this group exists.

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knitting, geekery, crochet

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