raina update

Mar 16, 2009 11:44

We're back.

First, the vet said it's not likely that she ate something foreign or has something stuck. That was my biggest concern. We had chicken last week and I gave her the leftovers to chew on, because she normally steals them anyway. He said if it was a bone, it would either get caught in her throat or down lower in her esophogas, near her heart. And it would happen immediately after eating. Once it gets to their stomach the acid breaks it down. There still is a bone that she's been chomping on the past few days, but I don't think that's the issue as it looks like she hasn't eaten any of it recently. I am, obviously, going to be tossing it out.

He said that around this time of year he sees a lot of vomiting cats because of hairballs. Like, the hairball blocks the lower sphincter of the stomach so the food doesn't have anywhere to go and comes right back up. I've certainly seen that before. So he said I should give her some hairball remedy over the next few days, until her stools start looking soft, and then I can stop. I am going to use good old Vaseline, as that's what he recommended in the past.

She's got a slight fever, so it could be a bug of some sort. He gave her a shot--cocktail of an antibiotic and a B-vitamin, the latter which should help stimulate her appetite. I also have liquid antibiotics that he wants me to give her over the next week.

He said that if she continues to throw up for the next few days then I am to bring her in to the hospital on Thursday, as she will be dehydrated by then and will need some attention. I'm going to make sure she has plenty of fresh water. I'm also going to monitor her food intake more closely. Normally I just throw some kibble in her bowl and she grazes on it throughout the day, never really emptying the bowl. So I'm going to cut down on the amount of kibble in it so I can see if she's actually eating. I'll also keep a closer eye on her box to make sure nothing looks weird there.

I might go and get some gooshy food. I've never fed it to her before, but if that will encourage her to eat then maybe that might be good. Or just plain tuna. Though gods does the smell of tuna make ME sick. That's why I don't feed her gooshy food, actually--I just cannot handle the smell.

She's off hiding again. Poor kitty. :( Hopefully she'll feel better soon.


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