a 1001 day adventure starts!

Feb 23, 2009 23:57

I finally finished writing my 101 in 1001 list. WOOHOO! Therefore I am starting TODAY! End date is November 22nd, 2011.

Milestone Dates
50 Days: 4/15/2009
100 Days: 6/4/2009
200 Days: 9/12/2009
300 Days: 12/21/2009
400 Days: 3/31/2010
500 Days: 7/9/2010
600 Days: 10/17/2010
700 Days: 1/25/2011
800 Days: 5/5/2011
900 Days: 8/13/2011
1001 Days: 11/22/2011


001 Give $250 yearly to the charities of my choice
002 Start loaning money via Kiva

003 Crochet an afghan--for myself!
004 Draw a picture I'm really proud of
005 Knit a sweater
006 Crochet a garment
007 Finish the composition book
008 Write a story. Any length, any subject, any age group. Just write a story.
009 Post a journal entry at least twice a week
010 Sew some type of garment that is actually wearable
011 Write stuff for asatomuraki
012 Do at least three photoshoots with Raina.
013 Buy a Holga.
014 Take at least three more knitting/crochet classes
015 Start going to knitting @ Panera on Wednesdays
016 Take violin lessons!
017 Be creative for at least two hours a week
018 Finish editing vacation photos and make a scrapbook.
019 Make scrapbooks/photo albums of the kidlets.
020 Buy a new flash and/or lens
021 Scan my negatives and backup photos
022 Practice photography techniques and learn to use them confidently

023 Save $1000
024 Figure out how much money I owe mom & dad
025 Pay back Mom & Dad
026 Get current on my monthly bills
027 Set up autocheck for Condo Association
028 Open an IRA
029 Pay off my outstanding medical bills
030 Consistently use Mvelopes/envelope budgeting to manage my finances
031 Start saving money so I can refinance from a balloon mortgage to a traditional 30-year term

Fun Stuff
032 Read 101 books
033 Take 10 I-Go adventures
034 Go on a vacation to someplace warm in January
035 Go to Tokyo Disneyland
036 Renew my passport
037 Organize a washcloth swap
038 Play every single Final Fantasy game
039 Start studying Japanese
040 Go to the theater/symphony at least three times
041 Bake once a month
042 Be a tourist in my own home town.
043 Work on clicker-training with Raina, just for fun.
044 Learn how to swim with my face in the water.
045 Go on a trip with the park district
046 Play with Raina at least twice a week
047 Make a list of 101+ favorite memories

048 Be able to walk a mile, consistently, with only normal pain
049 Do a 5K
050 Do a 10K
051 Get at least three massages
052 Get a dental cleaning every six months
053 Make an appointment to see my PCP & Gyne
054 Make a will
055 Do the 100 Push-ups challenge
056 Do strength training at least twice a week
057 Cook dinner at least twice a week

058 Paint the bedroom
059 Buy Ikea file cabinets
060 Buy my bed
061 Deep clean the rugs
062 Scan all my stuff into Delicious Library
063 Hire a maid service
064 Buy an Aerogarden
065 Install the new kitchen light
066 Get rid of old computers
067 Do the last few tasks remaining from last summer's painting.
068 Set up a mail center--AND USE IT.
069 Do more decluttering
070 Put up Christmas decorations
071 Take DOWN Christmas decorations ;)
072 Obtain condo insurance. Again.
073 Upgrade the memory on my Mini
074 Buy a bigger harddrive

Personal Care
075 Obtain a properly fitted bra
076 Color my hair
077 Learn how to put on makeup (I still don't think I will wear it often, but I'd like to know how to do it)
078 Take a bath in a tub big enough to fit my entire body. Insane amount of bubbles required.
079 Become confident with styling my hair.

080 Visit with Jamie
081 Meet Hillary & Q
082 Make at least one new, local friend
083 Call my sisters, just because
084 Call my mom. Just because.
085 Send Christmas cards
086 Send letters/photos to my grandfather
087 Have my family over for dinner
088 Go on a date (!!!)
089 Send at least 10 letters or postcards to friends via snailmail

Future Goals
090 Saved for 2010
091 Saved for 2010
092 Saved for 2010
093 Saved for 2010
094 Saved for 2011
095 Saved for 2011
096 Saved for 2011
097 Saved for 2011

Mission 101
098 Post a progress report every month
099 Make a new list
100 Write a letter to myself and open it at the end of this challenge
101 stupid google docs crashed and I lost some items so placeholder to see if I can remember it

listies, goals, 101 in 1001

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