what twist in fate has brought us to tread about this land?

Mar 03, 2008 19:50

So, that concert thingy. I'm sure you all want to hear about it.

It was such a happy accident that led to me being there. I had set up a Google alert for "nobuo uematsu", but hadn't been checking it in several months, though alerts kept coming. But I was bored one day, and decided to click on the email. I quickly did a O_O when I saw that yes, there WAS going to be another Final Fantasy concert, and yes, it WAS going to be in Chicago. O_O And hey, I had just happened to receive my vacation pay recently, which meant I had money in my bank account to splurge on two VIP tickets that would not only bring me to the concert, but would also allow me to MEET Uematsu-san. O_O Really, HOW COOL IS THAT?

Too cool, perhaps.

I had actually been kind of blue in the weeks leading up to the concert. Because this? Was a really huge deal. REALLY huge. I've been in love with the music from Final Fantasy since I first heard "To Zanarkand" when Roger fired up FFX for the first time (five years ago, if you can believe that). It's played a huge part in my life since then. There's not much I've listened to BESIDES Final Fantasy music in the past five years (excluding music from Walt Disney World, and that's only been in the past two years). Getting to meet the man behind it all was... intimidating, in a way. As I told Jean on Saturday, i was feeling a "what now?" kind of thing. Five years of love was culminating in the biggest possible way, and I didn't know what was going to be left afterwards.

So I was feeling a bit odd about the concert already. Add to the fact that I had taken a freaking vacation to Detroit to see the last one... well, that certainly didn't help things. Detroit was such an AMAZING experience. Especially the concert itself. The orchestra was incredibly awesome, and the audience had this energy to it. The mix of the two made it an exhilarating, incredibly high experience. One that I knew could not be repeated. So I was kind of feeling a sense of nostalgia and loss, because dammit, I wanted Detroit again, but you can never go back home. I knew I would enjoy this one, but it wasn't going to be Detroit--it was going to be something different, and I wasn't sure I was really prepared for that.

What it turned out to be was FUN. No, there wasn't the amazing energy that Detroit had, but there was a lot of laughter and sheer delight. Plus there was a birds_sing. <3 It was so very great to see her again, and I'm really glad I invited her to come with. Anyway, enough with the introspection. I'm getting tired, and I'm sure you want to hear the goods anyway.

Set list borrowed from Wikipedia, because otherwise I'd get them all out of order.

I had to laugh when we walked in, because there were several people sitting in the audience playing on Nintendo DSes. Hee! I was especially amused because mine was right by my door as I was leaving, and I had half a thought to grab it, but didn't. Couldn't see what I could possibly need it for. And what was REALLY funny was that Julie had brought hers, just in case! *giggles* We really were a geeky audience, weren't we?

Speaking of the audience, Julie and I both remarked that it was obvious a good portion of them had never been to the symphony. Yeah, a LOT of jeans-wearing folks. Which didn't really surprise me because it was like that in Detroit, too, but I did feel a bit of disapproval. Guess I'm a bit of a fuddy-duddy over that. But really, folks, it's not a rock concert, it's the SYMPHONY!!! Jeans are not appropriate.

I have different thoughts about cosplay, though. :D We saw a red mage. Also a fantastic Edea. People were taking her picture, and she really got the facial expression down. Later on during the meet and greet we saw an awesome Cloud. Couldn't stop staring at his hair, because he had done a good job styling it (been Googling for photos but haven't found any yet.)

Felt like it was a long wait for the start. I think they actually got started a bit late. But then there was a huge applause that erupted as Uematsu-san and entourage came in from backstage to take their seats in the audience. <3 And then Arnie Roth walked onstage and it was time for the concert to start.

Arnie walked out on stage, and without any introduction, launched the orchestra into Final Fantasy VIII - Liberi Fatali. And really, I can't think of any song that's more appropriate for an opener. To my ear, this sounded nearly exactly like the original game soundtrack. I'm undecided if that's good or bad. Sometimes I get annoyed if things sound different from what I'm used to, but on the other hand, I can hear that arrangement anytime, you know? Anyway, it WAS enjoyable, which is all that matters. ^_^ Though I did find the video jarring. They played the opening FMV from VIII straight through, except it wasn't synched properly, and since I'm very, VERY familiar with both the music and the FMV... yeah, jarring indeed.

Arnie turned around after the song to welcome us all and say a few words. He mentioned some people from Squeenix in the audience, reading their names off a piece of paper. His hand shook TREMENDOUSLY during this, which made me wonder why he was so nervous. He also indicated the screens and said that Squeenix had put together some special things for us, and had really dug into their archives, and that this had never been done before, blah blah blah. I kind of went "huh?" at this, because there were screens in Detroit, so... yeah, nothing new there.

Next up was Final Fantasy X - To Zanarkand. Very, very pretty, and again, reminiscent of the original soundtrack. Except, you know, with a full orchestra rather than just the piano theme from the opening. Enjoyable, but I wouldn't say outstanding.

Here's where things got fun! Arnie said the next song would be Final Fantasy VIII - Don't be Afraid, to which there was much cheering. The cheers turned into laughter, though, because they didn't just play FMVs during this... it had some actual gameplay, too! And in Japanese! <3! Quite fun to see a battle being played out. I can't really say for sure how well this was played, because everyone was enjoying the video too much, but I have a vague memory of the orchestra doing a good job with this one.

Arnie then asked us if we knew which song someone once proposed during, and someone in the back of the theater yelled out "Aerith's Theme!" And sure enough, Final Fantasy VII - Aerith's Theme was next. I was a bit afraid to watch the video to this one, because I haven't gotten very far into the game and was afraid of spoilers. Especially THE spoiler (which I accidentally read in a magazine once -.-). Thankfully, most of the stuff they played I had seen already. I do think that they did play THE spoiler, but there wasn't much context to the scene so I'm okay with it. Please, please, PLEASE no talk about spoilers at all (especially THE spoiler, but really, none) in the comments; I really don't want to know. Also, mackillian has expressed an interest in playing this game, and she also doesn't want to know spoilers. Anyway! I'm well familiar with this theme, even though I haven't played the game much, because I have this on several soundtracks. I thought they did a good job with it.

Next up was Final Fantasy I-III - Medley 2002. I've never played these games, but the themes are some of my favorites due to hearing them on the Symphonic Suite. I really, really liked this one. The arrangement was slightly different, so it was fresh and new, and it was really cool to see bits of the games. I'm looking forward to playing these!

The guitarist was brought out on stage for Final Fantasy V - Dear Friends and Final Fantasy IX - Vamo' alla Flamenco. Now, these were both played in Detroit, and the guitarist there was AMAZING. I cannot say that enough--I was so very highly impressed with him. He watched Arnie like a HAWK during the songs, and every cue was exactly on time. Read more here. I had already been expecting that I'd be disappointed by the guitarist at this concert, but I didn't expect to be appalled. His approach to Dear Friends was more mellow, which was okay, but didn't draw you in like Detroit's guitarist did. The orchestra did a fine job with the Flamenco, but I swear the guitarist was off on some of the cues. It was disappointing as hell. :( It could have been so, so much better.

The first half ended with Final Fantasy series - Main Theme. :D A fine closer indeed. Nicely played, too, but honestly unless the orchestra was full of FAIL I don't think this could NOT be enjoyable, because dude... main theme! <3!

Julie and I stayed in our seats for the intermission, which is perhaps why it felt so long. It was about 20 minutes or so. When Arnie came back out on stage, he again started right off without any introduction. I swear the kid sitting next to me creamed his pants when the opening strains of the first song started, because his breathing got all funny (no, really!). Though I don't blame him, because it was Final Fantasy VII - Opening Bombing Mission <3!! This was rather awesome. They started right out with the opening FMV and battles. <3! And then showed some other clips and battles. The orchestra did a heck of a job on this one. Yeah, it was still very much like the soundtrack, but it was so good I can't complain here.

Quite a cheer at this next one: Final Fantasy VIII - Fisherman's Horizon. This is when I realised that the second half was going to be MUCH better than the first. Since FVIII is my favorite of the series (out of those I've played, anyway), I've listened to this song quite a bit. I've always liked it, but never loved it. The orchestra did a FANTASTIC job with this! They took a song that was pretty and gave it depth and nuance and just made it into something quite special. I very much enjoyed this one.

Now it was time for our title song: Final Fantasy XI - Memoro de la Stono - Distant Worlds. Since I've never played XI and don't have any of the soundtrack, I wasn't at all familiar with it. The first part of the song was rather lackluster for me, but that was because there was a soloist standing on stage, and she just STOOD there during the entire first part, so I was distracted wondering when she was going to start singing. But once she did... wow. She had quite a lovely voice. The song had a familiar feel to it, even though I've never heard it before. I suppose that's not surprising, because I'm so familiar with Uematsu-san's work that I know his style. But it didn't just remind me of Final Fantasy--it also reminded me of some of the songs we sang in my church choir. Specifically, some of the Lenten songs. Thought that was interesting. Anyway, I don't think I realised how much I enjoyed this at the time, because now that I've listened to the soundtrack a few times I can definitely say this is one of my favorite tracks (and I'm pretty sure the soloist on the soundtrack is the same we heard at the concert). I get totally caught up in the song when it plays.

Arnie said that the next one was one of Uematsu-san's favorites: Final Fantasy IV - Theme of Love. Awwww! <3 I like this one, and it was very nice to hear this in the concert. Also really cool to see the videos. I know the FMVs aren't from the original games, and maybe purists would scowl at that, but personally I think adding the FMVs to the redos might have been a good move, because seeing them in the concert sure made me interested in the games.

Arnie next said a bit about how there's so many great characters in the Final Fantasy series, but that there's one that's been there throughout the entire series, and that he was honored that Uematsu-san asked him to write a special arrangement of the theme. The kid next to me started dancing in his chair again. I am ashamed that I blanked out for a second, but I had to dance in my chair, too, when I heard the opening drum beat, because it was time for Final Fantasy series - Swing de Chocobo! This was pure fun! The audience laughed at all the video of the chocobo scenes from throughout the series. Squeenix did a really good job with the video for this one. But the orchestra did just as good a job! Seriously, this was one of the best ones of the evening. A round of applause to the percussionists, who really did a fantastic job with this.

Final Fantasy VIII - Love Grows was next up. I was kind of disappointed at hearing this in Detroit. Oh, they did a fine job with it, but it's not my favorite arrangement of the theme. So when I heard Arnie announce this... well, I mentally sighed a bit. But that sigh was wasted, because WOW was this an awesome arrangment! Lots, lots, LOTS of piano countering the orchestra. The pianist did such a fantastic job at this that she got very enthusiastic applause afterwards. <3!

Next up was an announcement! We found out that the Black Mages had just finished their third CD. YAY! And that the next song was going to be on it. Yay! And wow did the audience ROAR with excitement when they heard what was next, because it was Final Fantasy VI - Opera "Maria and Draco". In summary: WOW. WOW. WOW. Again, I kind of was distracted at the beginning. The theme sounded slightly familiar, and it was amusing to see the characters running around on screen, but the soloists were just standing there... once they started singing, though... Well, the first thing I noticed was that the alto wasn't just singing, she was FEELING the song. She was so very caught up in it that it was breathtaking to watch. And when the men joined in... again, they were telling the story not just with their voices but their looks at each other. It totally added to the song, and they got a well-deserved standing ovation afterwards.

Arnie left the stage then, but we all knew he would be back. When he did come back he said he forgot to tell us that that was the last song, but we all kind of rolled our eyes at that because DUH, of course there was going to be an encore! And unsurprisingly, someone in the audience yelled "ONE-WING ANGEL!" to which Arnie said "Well aren't you predictable!". Of COURSE we are--we were ALL expecting it to be the encore. He said they weren't going to do that one, but that he thought we'd be happy with what they were going to do instead, which turned out to be Final Fantasy VI - Terra's Theme. Yup, we were happy. :) Lots of excited applause at this announcement. And I think the orchestra did this one well, but I can't say for certain, because while it was playing the "end credits" of the concert were rolling up on the video! <3! Which means people were applauding at various things, so it was hard at times to hear the orchestra. A shame, because this is such a nice theme.

And then they played One-Winged Angel. *snerks* I mean, C'MON!! Of course they did! It's only the most popular song! Very well done, here. Detroit was good, too, and had a better energy to it (though that was largely because of the audience), but the choir was better here.

After it ended it was time for a potty break, and then we got in the meet-and-greet line. And waited, and waited, and waited. But we finally got up to the front and got our CDs and programs signed. <3 It was over very fast, but still--personally signed items! Yay! Uematsu-san is so very cute in person. I don't mean in looks (though he IS a nice-looking man) but in mannerisms. Very fun to see him in person.

I listened to the CD several times already, and I think it's quite possible the best FF concert CD yet. Some of the ones that aren't very different from the game soundtracks feel a little flat. But Medley 2002 is very good; it has a bolder feel than the Symphonic Suite's version. Fisherman's Horizon and Love Grows are both lovely, and Vamo' alla Flamenco shines here, much better than it did in the concert (though Swing de Chocobo loses a bit on the recording). The real stars are "Maria and Draco" and "Distant Worlds", both of which are absolutely superb. Highly recommend this CD.

And that's it. Would I go again? Definitely! Even though this concert was lacking the energy of Detroit, it was still very, very fun, and I can't imagine NOT enjoying a Final Fantasy concert.

final fantasy, nobuo uematsu

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