I'm rather empowered.

Oct 24, 2006 09:59

I hate the office in the autumn & winter. It's so DRY in here. I can feel the moisture being pulled out of my body, leaving me with sandpaper skin, chapped lips, and dry nasal passages. That last one makes it a bit difficult to breathe sometimes, which causes sleepiness. Argh. I'm trying to rehydrate by drinking water, but it's hard to drink when you're low on oxygen. Perhaps I will scrounge up a straw, and see if that helps.

Thanks for the good vibes & cheerleading--it's helping! :D I woke up yesterday morning feeling more confident and in charge, and had a good day at work. I had a conference call first thing in the morning, and was amused (and yeah, a little surprised) at how confident and competent I sounded when I introduced myself to the rest of the team. Guess I'm good at bullshitting. *laughs* N. was on the call as well, and later said I have good communication skills, which I do think is true. So go me! I also finished an email for Dennis, and did some fun (but necessary!) errands in the evening.

Today I need to finish some outstanding reports. I'm not feeling very motivated, but I'm gonna take a page from the 12 step groups and "fake it until I make it". I'll put on my headphones and listen to some tunes and just barrel through them as fast as I can. And then they'll be DONE!

Other things I need to do today: call $NewDoc to set up an appointment, and do more fun (but necessary!) errands this evening.

Thank you so much for all your comments lately. I do intend to reply to each one individually, but I've got a limited amount of spoons at the moment, and it's important I manage them well. Right now I need to use my spoons for work & family stuff, but when I have a few extra I'll throw them your way. I love you all.

Have you identified what you need yet? Have you asked for it?
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