i think i've found a new addiction

May 28, 2006 00:24

Stumbled out of bed this morning around 7:00. Immediately stumbled towards computer (as I usually do) and started solving more Perplex City cards.

Mind Candy has made it very easy to become addicted to this game. First, you've got these beautiful cards with interesting puzzles on them. Everytime you solve a card, you're awarded points, given your current stats, and provided with links to your solved cards and your map. The solved cards page lets you see stats for that particular card. I like stats, so I can never resist checking it out immediately after I solve a card, to see how I'm comparing to others. Most of the cards have been solved by 10%-15% of players; the lowest I've seen so far is 3%. Woo!

I'm relying on Google & Wikipedia a lot. I'm also using unforums as well. There's been some cards I've solved completely on my own. Others I've had a good guess or were partway there, and relied on Unforums for the complete answer. And yes, there have been one or two that I've given up on easily and just gone to Unforums. This isn't against the rules; players are encouraged to team up, and the Perplex City website even links to Unforums several times (and one of the cards had an image of unforums in the background). Still, I feel a bit "guilty" about "cheating" (there's my Catholic guilt coming up again...). I'm hoping to try harder on my own on the cards I have remaining left.

My current stats:

Rank: 4595
Players: 28853
Points: 364
xnera has solved 19 cards (0 complete sets) in 31 attempts, with 237 cards left to solve.

I'm ranked 983rd amongst female players, and 816th amongst players from the United States. I have solved 4 reds, 5 oranges, four yellows, 3 greens, 1 blue, and two purples. I have four cards out of my current stash left to solve: 1 green, 2 blue, and 1 black.

I downloaded the podcasts onto my Rio Forge this morning and listened to them while I was on the treadmill at the health club. I've now got a better idea of some of the backstory. I am definitely intrigued. There's one particular thing that especially interests me (I won't say because I don't like spoiling people).

I went and made a Perplex City friends filter so I can read updates easily. And I bought this (I wanted the older kit rather than the newer, because this one comes with more cards AND a leitmark!).

Yeah, sounds like addiction to me. :D

perplex city

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