thankfulness and lazyness

Nov 24, 2005 09:44

Happy Thanksgiving! Today, I am really thankful for my Raina, and for stupidpetowners which has helped me to be a more involved kitty mommy and knowledgeable about pet care in general. I am grateful that I had the courage to see a psychiatrist, and that the first drug we tried is working well. :D I am thankful for the Paxil CR, which has made it easier to live my daily life. I am so, so thankful for my family. My immediate family for the good times we had together while I was growing up. And for the gift of new family members: my brothers-in-law and their families, and the all the kidlets--especially the two new ones on the way, who have helped me realise how important family is.

And I'm thankful for all of you. You have brought so much wonderfulness into my life. And I'm thrilled that the Paxil is making me more open to others. I've noticed that I'm delighted when people IM me now, instead of being a bit annoyed because I was busy doing something. I'm much more likely to take time out to spend with others, and that is a great gift.

I went to bed early last night (around ten), so I woke up around 6:15. And was well awake, so I just went ahead and got up. And played Boggle. :D I also played with Raina, and spent much time reading various LiveJournal stuff. I share some with you!

If Voldemort smoked, he would smoke this brand.

I want to sick Ela on this person. >:O!!!. Luckily, tons of folks have already addressed the issue.

And now I am going to play actual video games (NOT BOGGLE!) on my PS2. Because I've been saying for ages that I'm going to play some, but I never do. OMG, so much to play:

* Eye Toy: Groove
* Dance Dance Revolution Extreme 2
* Katamari Damashii (I WILL BEAT STAR SEVEN!!)
* Sonic Mega Collection Plus
* Buffy: Chaos Bleeds (was stuck on an annoying level with Cid)
* Final Fantasy VII

Roughly the order I'm going to play them, too.

Still not sure what I'm going to do tomorrow. Who knows, maybe I will hop a train to Milwaukee. :D If not, I am going to code, play video games, clean the house, go see Harry Potter, and possibly buy Eye Toy: Kinetic, if I see it at the stores.

gratitude, family, relationships, video games, friends

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