STABBITY STAB STAB! and the logistics of dating

Oct 27, 2005 19:11

I gave half a thought to staying after work a bit late, just so I had an excuse to ride the 6:05 with my crush. I decided against it, mostly because I had THREE good DVDs due to arrive from Netflix today, and I thought maybe if I got home right away I might have time to watch two of them.

So I left the building right on time (maybe even a minute or two early), caught a good train, and got to the station at 5:28, which should have been plenty of time to catch the 5:30. I go outside, and the first thing I see is a CROWD of people waiting in my bus' slip.


So we wait and we wait and we wait, and sure enough all the buses are backed up. It soon becomes apparent that the 5:30 is not going to come at all, so the 6:05 it is. At least I'll be able to ride the bus with my crush. Right?

Nope--I do see him, but he gets on a different bus, because he can DO that since he doesn't live as far south as me. -.-

Bus FINALLY comes and it's crowded as heck. I do get a seat, but it's next to a large guy on one of the seats over the wheel, which means my feet aren't touching the floor very well and I'm hanging half off the seat. And the bus CREEPS down the street because traffic is bad--and then he jams on the brakes and everyone falls over. -.- I had some girl's ass on my arm nearly the entire ride home. At least it was a nice ass.

FINALLY toddle off the bus, all sore and cramped from sitting so awkwardly, and not at all happy about getting home so late. But at least I have DVDs to look forward to! Right?

Nope--the mailbox is empty. -.- Talk about your un-fun evenings. I mean, really.

Anyway. This whole riding-buses-with-crushes thing has got me pondering transportation while dating. As many of you know, I didn't start seriously dating until I moved in to my condo. My first boyfriend still lived at home, and didn't drive. I mean, not at all. Wouldn't even borrow his dad's car to go out with me. So I drove all the time. He also wouldn't stay over here, which meant I had to drive him home late at night when I was verrrrrrrrry tired and wanted to sleep and it was snowing and my bed was IN THE NEXT ROOM but no, I had to go make a 40-minute round trip to drive him home. *fumes* >:o!!!

Roger drove, and he sometimes would come down here for the weekend. And he'd do almost all the driving when I was up there, but yeah, I usually drove up there for weekends, 'cause his place was bigger.

I feel like I'm kind of getting in the mood to date again. It's definitely been a while since I've had any kind of real crush, and I admit I do like this guy. I don't know ANYTHING about him, really, but still, I like him. And we're on the same bus route (mostly), and not terribly far from each other. I don't think he's interested in me, which is a bit of a bummer but not terribly so, but still, just the idea of OMG GUY I LIKE! has me thinking of the logistics of dating.

Would you date someone who didn't have a car? Well, would you?

Poll Dating & Transportation

Time for dinner. Maybe I will play a videogame tonight, since I HAVE NO NETFLIX DVDS TO WATCH! >:o!!!

relationships, polls

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