i actually started writing this at 9:51 this morning

Sep 07, 2005 15:12

They're doing some work in the building or something, so they have the lights turned off. So we're lit by just the emergency lights and the overhead light in our cubicle. I rather like it. The screen looks brighter and it's easier for me to focus on it.

Aww... they turned the lights back on. Shucks.

I survived the first evening without a working computer at home. I started playing FFVII almost immediately after I got home. I felt a bit guilty about this at first, until I realised I was at a point of the game with heavy exposition. Last time I played this, I got to the exposition part at 11:00 at night when I was tired and wanting to go to bed but just wanted to play a few minutes more. Very annoying, that. So I was glad to be getting through it while I was awake and alert.

Took a break during the middle when they ask you if you want to save, and made chili for dinner. Yay! Also put laundry in. Yay! I then ate chili during the second half of the exposition.

I think I've covered everything I've played before. Maybe a bit more still, but not much. I've just visited the Chocobo Farm and am chasing Sephiroth across the swamp. (nichlswolfwood, do we get to hear "One-Winged Angel" soon? I am dying to hear it in the game.)

I normally try to play a game the first time through without relying on the official guide, but I happen to have the guide because Amazon offered it to me cheap, so I couldn't resist looking at it.

The guide sucks.

I used the FFVIII guide extensively during my replay. I loved the mini-maps of the various areas, all gathered in the back of the book. There was also a larger world map. A list of the cards in the card game, and what they could be modded into. A list of the weapons, and what you needed to gather for each weapon. Side quests and secrets. Plus an extensive walkthrough, telling you exactly what is in each area--monsters, items, shops--and what you needed to do at every junction to advance the game. And it did all this without really giving the story away in any great detail.

The FFX guide looks to be of similar quality. The sphere grid/Rikku overdrive poster alone is worth the cost of the book.

But the FFVII guide... ugh. Sure, there's a list of Limit Breaks that I've found helpful. And the sections on Materia and good Materia combos looks well-done. But the monster gallery, while all-encompassing, is teeny, so I can't make out the images. There's some mini-maps of important areas, but not as many as I'd like.

But the worst thing is that it goes into too much detail on the story, and not enough on the game mechanics. I mean, it summarized the whole Sephiroth & Jenova exposition. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot??!? I'd much rather get that from the GAME, you know.

And then I'm at the Chocobo Ranch, and I'm trying to catch a Chocobo, and I'm having nothing but trouble. Why? The guide says something like this:

You need the Chocobo materia, but Greens aren't really necessary. Walk around the area with Chocobo tracks, and eventually a battle will start. If you do it right, you'll have a Chocobo at the end.


So I struggled with it for about six battles while my Chocobos kept getting scared and running away. ARGH!!! Finally I ignored the guide, went and bought some Greens, and after a few more tries, finally succeeded by keeping the Chocobo well fed while very carefully fighting the battle so as to make sure I didn't accidentally hit the Chocobo.

Stupid, stupid, stupid guide.

And of course now I'm stuck in the middle of the swamp because I accidentally hit the cancel button and my Chocobo ran away... *rolls eyes* This ought to be fun. NOT!

I quit FFVII around 9:00 for some DDR action. Did actually GAME mode for once, for about 25 minutes. YAY! And *SUPERMASSIVESQUEE* "Speed Over Beethoven" will be on DDR Extreme 2! Am so, so excited as that's my favorite arcade song. I've been holding off buying a PS2 version of DDR because I'm not going to waste my money on a version that mostly has songs I already have. But I will happily shell out some dough to get Speed Over Beethoven.

I also did some crunches *ugh* and some weight-lifting. It'll likely be belly dancing tonight. Unfortunately, I am carrying most of my weight on my trunk and back, which is the worst place to carry it. Aerobic exercise like DDR and walking and Eye Toy: Groove will help, but I want to focus on the problem areas. So, if anyone has suggestions for other exercises for the area (especially the back) let me know. I'd appreciate it.

Early to bed, around ten. Didn't sleep so well, though. Ugh. Hopefully I will sleep better tonight. Seem to be doing okay during the day, though, in spite of the lack of sleep.

Slight anxiety about an hour ago, but it passed pretty quick. I feel okay now, though a bit stuffed from lunch. Maybe very slightly jittery, but it's not bothersome.

I thought about going over to Tiger Direct today, but I haven't gotten paid yet (we normally get paid on Wednesdays, but it's sometimes a day late on holiday weeks), and it seems silly to waste time going over there just to scope out machines, so I'm going to stay home tonight and do more cleaning/FFVII. Or possibly watch some Netflix stuff. I'm behind on Netflix because the two things I have out right now are not OMG MUST WATCH things, which is fine, really, except it holds back the stuff I really want to see, like Fruits Basket and Farscape, so, yeah, need to finish watching MacGyver.

You know, I could get used to this starting at 7:00. I don't mind getting up that early. I thought I would, but because it's so dark it feels like night and not morning, and that's my energy time. And I get to leave in about 40 minutes, which is awesome.

But right now I have to run a report and download more eps of The Signal, so I can transfer them over to the Rio for the ride home. In other words, I'll see you all tomorrow. *smooches*

netflix, final fantasy, work, video games, ffvii

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