my legs, my legs, my fucking legs

Aug 24, 2005 21:53

I want to rip my skin off.

For the past week or so I've been spraying my legs with a liquid bandage. It was working for a while. They didn't look so bad, and while it was painful at times, they weren't itchy.

It's not working anymore. And I've been scratching like mad, and now I'm itchy as hell and in pain and my legs look terrible.


I need to call the benefits line at work tomorrow. I *need* to. Because I need to get health insurance so I can go to the dermatologist. I also think it's worth it to try getting insurance on my own still, and I have a quote request in to UHC, but I don't know how to answer this:

* Within the last ten years, has any person to be covered had any indication, signs, symptoms, diagnosis, or treatment of any disease or disorder?

I mean, WTF? Everyone gets sick! I feel it will be suspicious if I say "Nope, perfectly healthy!" because dude, TEN YEARS? But maybe they're asking about major stuff, like cancer or surgery? In that case the answer would be no. What do you think? How should I answer? I don't want to lie, but I don't want to be TOO honest and end up being denied again.

I'm very tempted at the moment to make an appointment with the dermatologist and just pay out of pocket. I hate to do that but I'm so fucking sick of this.

I'm also thinking that if I *do* end up getting insurance via work, maybe I won't go with the full coverage $87 a WEEK plan, and instead do the $20 a week plan. It doesn't cover much, but it'd be better than nothing. I need to find the benefits book and check it out.

I don't know what to do about the legs tonight. Lotions don't help--they just make the itching worse. I've just washed my legs and they're not TOO bad now, so maybe I will let them dry off some more and try the liquid bandage again. That at least protects them a bit, and when I do get to scratching, I scratch THAT off first instead of scratching my skin off.

And I think I am going to take sleeping pills to knock myself out, so I don't stay up half the night scratching away.

health, legs

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