What did you see today?

Aug 01, 2005 08:20

Seen on Freecycle:

I am liiking for a couple of good working I-Pods.
If anyone can help me, I would really appreciate it.
Thanks and have a Blessed day.

DUDE. I mean, seriously. The list is not so you can get high-priced, first-world items that you can't afford or don't want to pay for. It's so people can give their unused items a good home, and so maybe someone who is truly in need can get the items they require. I have no problem with people asking for baby formula, or clothes, or heck, even the occasional hard-to-find collector's item, because you never know, someone might have it laying about and not want it. But asking for iPods, or cars, or not just one appliance or piece of furniture but an entire apartment's worth is out of line. I don't care HOW desperate you are--it's out of line. Try Goodwill or garage sales.

Seen: a gentleman wearing a salmon-colored blazer. He looked like he should be in Florida. It was the color I think of as "Florida pink". You know the one.

Seen: a woman at the mall on Friday, wearing a teeny denim skirt. And I do mean teeny. It had a one-inch band around the waist, with a pleated skirt that fell just below her crotch. But that's not the bad part. The bad part is the HUGE-ASS SPLIT on the left leg, so that when she walked her entire leg was shown off. And you could see her underwear. Don't understand why she went out in public like that.

Seen: no one on the bus this morning. o_O Okay, there were people; it's not like I was the only one on it. But the 5-6 regulars who usually get on at my stop were not there. Just me and the dude in the yellow car, and we both had to run for the bus because he was zooming past, even though I know he saw yellow car dude (I was still further down the street).

Seen: xnera kicking ass at Boggle last night. It was actually kind of embarrassing. I only played three games, and in each game I got about 40 points where everyone else got, like, 6. *winces* If I were more competitive I'd be happy about this, but my kind of competitiveness is competition against myself, to see how well I can do. So I like beating better players because it means I've improved and I'm doing well, but I don't like creaming less-skilled players. At least I am now safely ensconsed in Orangeland, with a rating of 1405.

Have any of you seen anything interesting lately? Let me know! I used to do this as a writing exercise on a writing board I ran for a while, because the unusual and weird things you see can spark the imagination.

Adding in a to-do list because I am high on the listies these days:

  • Finish overlooked GLR. D'oh! 10:30
  • Send backup for charge from previous position 10:37
  • Get contract names 3:56. This took FOR-FREAKING-EVER. But it's done now, so yay!
  • Update list and send to Dennis 4:43 - didn't quite finish, but the file has been updated to a new format. Will finish first thing tomorrow.
  • Send out templates 4:04. I had this all set up as a draft, so I just had to give it a final check before sending.
  • Research lease access

And for home:

  • Throw a bunch of change into purse. Need it for the bus/train. 6:45. Enough for bus AND a breakfast sandwich tomorrow. w00t!
  • Make dinner! 8:00. Leftover quesadillas, soda, and extra tortillas with butter. Not the most nutritious dinner, but resourceful.
  • DDR a bit 7:32. 30 minutes original DDR for PSX, beginner workout mode. Two days ago I skipped all the jumps while DDRing because I lacked the energy/knee strength to do them. Tonight I did all the jumps in Afronova. I am so fucking proud of myself.
  • Wash dishes & tidy up a bit
  • Watch Farscape 9:23. Last disc of season three. I hate this show (she says, with massive love).
  • If time allows, start playing FFVII!!! 11:44 - not much, just to the first save point. So, twenty minutes. But I said I was going to start tonight, and I did, so yay! Having a mem card issue, though. My one blank one that i bought used is not working. Luckily I have another card that's only halfway full, but I really like to have a dedicated mem card for RPGs, so I will likely buy a new one on Wednesday when I get paid and transfer the files over. Okay, bedtime!

Someone tell my stomach to stop rebelling.

listies, seen

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