*feels the excitement*

Jul 16, 2005 13:34

So, I woke up really early this morning, took a shower, and checked my email--to find out Amazon had sent HBP via UPS.

*headdesks* I was afraid of this. Because it'd be just my luck that they'd try to deliver while I was taking Raina to the vet or I was out at session.

Raina did wonderfully at the vet. Was only gone a half hour, and immediately checked the front door to see if there was a sticky or (better yet) a box. Nope to both. Left a half hour later--but I left a note on the door, telling UPS that I authorize them to leave the box if they came while I was gone.

Came home from session two hours later. No sticky or box. Hooray! This means they will come later, and I'll be home to get it. :D Not upset that I'm getting it late in the day, because I'm still rereading OOTP.

On a whim, I went and created spoilerchatbot. If you IM the bot with "invite me" or "spoil me", you'll be invited to an AIM chatroom where you can discuss the book to your heart's content. I am making this a free-for-all, open to everyone, so feel free to join in and pass the word around. Do NOT come crying to me if you get spoiled for the book while in chat, though. In other words, enter at your own risk.

I am not reading my friends page today. I was going to, but a quick glance told me that while people ARE using LJ-cuts, they aren't being as careful as I'd like. So no reading of the friends list until I finish HBP. I will clearly mark all HBP plot posts as spoilers, and will not indicate even the emotion I had while I was reading outside of a cut, because even THAT can be a spoiler.

Looking forward to chatting with you all! Have fun with the bot, and let me know if you have any troubles with it. It's a quick-and-dirty implementation based off the NA bot, so my apologies if it starts babbling about nocturne_alley.

edit 2:29 p.m.: IT'S HERE!!! Looks like Amazon did a special arrangement between UPS and USPS, because UPS delivered it to the USPS, who delivered it to me. It came in a special box that was stamped with the title and the words "DO NOT DELIVER BEFORE JULY 16th." Cool!

Now, do I continue my re-read of OOTP, or jump right to HBP? I still have half of OOTP left. Decisions, decisions.

raina, bot, harry potter

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