Feels like burning

May 22, 2004 21:38

I got my tattoo today!!! It was the craziest thing...the tattoos i've gotten in the past have all been pretty easy and today was not so nice! Jason set aside four hours for it but thankfully it only took two and a half. It was so intense and I actually didn't think i could make it! That really freaked me out but Jason made me feel better and said that since it was so big and had more detail than i'm used to getting it would absolutely suck more. :) I felt so bad cos Elissa paid $130.00 for it and really can't afford it. But she said she really wanted to, that was my X-mas/B-day present from last year. Jason only charged me $250, he's awesome. Big Mike kept walking by to see it cos the before tattoo was so shodty and the after is SO beautiful! I'll post a picture as soon as i get one! *I forgot my f-in camera today, i wanted a before and after!!!*
Anyhoo, I got home and there is a new dog in our yard. Her name is Maggie, she's really sweet. I want to bring her in the house and let her sleep w/ me! Buzz and Edd aren't sure that they like her yet so they are making her sleep alone. Poor baby!
My gramma is doing better, i think she's going to pull through. We will go out the weekend after next to see her.
My back burns, i'm going to pull the bandage off and admire a job well done!
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