Nov 15, 2003 18:08
Starr is doing her residency interviews and got one in Seattle. Brian hasn't heard back from them yet so it looks like she'll have to go without him. Being the loving sister that i am, i told her that i SUPPOSE i can go with her, if it will make her feel better. :) SO WE'RE GOING!!! We leave for Iowa Wednesday morning, Thanksgiving is Thursday then we'll get up and go home Friday. Saturday morning our flight leaves at 7:00 AM so we get the whole day there pretty much! So Saturday and Sunday we get to sight see and go out, then Monday Starr has her interview which will most likely last all day. So I'll tool around by myself, I'll have to be sure to pack my big girl pants. I'm so excited!
Today we moved the rest of the crap from my apartment to the house. It's kinda sad but i'll be okay! I just have to go back once or twice more (depending on how lazy i am) to get the little stuff bagged up and to clean.
Last night i picked Dan up from school and we went to OC's. We went there to find Al but he wasn't there. There were however, a million people i recognized from high school. That was lame. :)