The ails of my youth bring the world together as a truth

May 11, 2007 01:19

and forever shall we be but accepting of our fate!

it has been a busy while I don't even notice time lapsing anymore. At this point, the only thing that helps me even calculate the change of time is the fact that certain meetngs are scheduled certain nights.
A month left in this country I am not sure if I am either excited, diminished in my excitement, distraught over departure, or bewildered when it comes to the language.
I am still awaiting news as to whether I am staying with family that none of us even knew existed (told there was none due to a volcano in the past, etc... apparently a screw up missed counting a whole generation... (of course... 52 people can go missing)

"I have been doing some research on your family tree. I have been able to
find out that your gr. grandfather Andrés and his mother emigrated in
1888. Ingibjorg had 3 husbands, the first two died. Her mother had 5
children and 53 grandchildren! They came from the east side of Iceland.
I have now been in touch with some of the descendants of Ingibjorgs
sisters and I am hoping that one of them can host you during the three
weeks. I will have more information in May."

they STILL haven't booked my flight... (hopefully by fri... since we might be leaving a day earlier than expected.

On other news, My scout troop has gone through a few minor altercations after a few brawls... between members and parents ... yes, I said parents, funny scene when you watch the head leader closing his eyes and counting to ten after a parent comes back from his house, dropping his kid off, to come argue. (I thought people would have more sense)

And on to another one...
MWRO I had to attend a big meeting, dealing with mwro since they have to move, and their old director, decided she'd try to stage a coup of the board... Interesting scene, she had her fly on the wall discovered, so they gave no details, and threw a party and divulged a vast amount of information involving all the things they have worked on in regards to their future homes, and we shall just say, they have a VERY promising future ahead in the next year.

Dealings with my grandfather are also going pretty good, since his little blow up where he attacked one of his homecare workers. Yes, I told everyone he is a little loony... I wasn't kidding, but yet, apparently, me taking him for a walk, then making him a dinner of shrimp, a chef style plate setup of cut fruits and cheeses and making him a dessert of apple cumble and icecream makes his day. (old people scare me)

So yes, I have a very relaxed life, always hoping to get out of the house...
I was out and saw the fuzz movie tonight, and it was ok, but could definitely have been better. Saw spiderman 3 the other day with rodney. which is definitely worth seeing... it is apparently on at the drive in on the 25th for those who seek to see it, I recommend you go then. (same weekend as pirates 3 comes out ;)

and as for me... overall lets just say I am relaxed and have too much spare time on my hands, may the days of my unemployed wasteful youth be filled with bliss for I am a bum... clearly, who wanders the streets in ever peril hoping to not be caught by the cops for my illegal mischief. Until next time...
Stewart out... for the count
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