Mar 07, 2008 00:14
So this is day 4.5/14 of my epic vacation to North Carolina/Virginia/South Carolina.
And I have to say, its going pretty amazing..
Right now I am playing Maple Story. On a comfy ass futon. Chillin. Just ate some delicious Chic-fil-A. And I got drunk at least 3 times this week so far. (Not saying thats a huge issue, but it was definately a bonus..) I also went to Jboy's and played some fucking PIU! I was so ecstatic to be there. Plus me and Adrian are having some very funny and overall interesting convos about food. And he is constantly making me hungry.
Any negativity that comes toward me this whole two weeks, I dont care how I get it, VIA txt, myspace, im, I am ignoring it.
I have enough problems in my own life right now, and I dont need to be worrying about anyone elses this whole time. So that being said, back to Maple Story.
Leila is awesome :p