Thanks Bobby Hoper for challenging me to write this (LJ is not dead)

Oct 08, 2007 05:53

Its those two day crying spouts that fuck you over the most. They spring on you without you even second guessing it, and it seems near impossible to fix. Maybe it's just the fact that I'm a girl, but I'd like to say without bragging that I really don't cry that often. But more often than not, if I cry you can take a stab in the dark at why; boys.

Which leads me to my next point. I'm so tired of arguments. I wish we could all just realize how petty and silly they are. Being upset is not worth days of time anxiously awaiting the moment when you will make up with the person. Honestly, what is the point. I truly cannot see it. I must admit I used to be a fan of the constant bitching and bickering, but I'd like to think I've almost completely grown out of that stage and am just ready to be around and love everyone. I can't ever find a valid reason to stay mad at someone. Now don't get me wrong if someone seriously fucked me over I wouldn't/couldn't let them off easily and I may have a reconsider our relationship, but beyond that I try to be a civil as possible.

SCAVO is what I've always wanted in an education. My own pace. I don't have to wait for anyone. If I feel like completing 3 chapters in one class period I am more than welcome to. And for the first time in my ten plus years of school I actually feel like I'm learning. Which is ironic seeing as I'm essentially teaching myself.

I need a job. My thought of working at GameStop was very quickly shut down. Apparently to work at a video game store you are required to have an extensive knowledge of video games. Who would have thought it? But seriously... Bitch needs a job. I need to start saving up and putting the money I took out of my saving account back. I want to be able to reactive my little gold money card. I want to be able to buy all my friends dirty thirties whenever need be.

When your parents have no expectations of you you begin to think of how much you really could get away with. In comparison to how I was this summer I'm a fucking saint, but still no where near an ideal daughter. I wish my relationship with my dad could extend beyond rides. And it would be nice if my mom and I could actually understand each other. But, a wish is just a wish.

I'm pretty sad actually. I want things to go well so badly. And when I think they are and they aren't that's especially bad. I wish people would believe in me.
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