(no subject)

Jul 02, 2012 01:54

I stole this from portions_forfox because it's 3 am, i'm bored and I do what I want


Top 10 Pairings Overall )
1. Eleven/Amy
2. Jem x Tessa
3. Merlin/Morgana
4. Sherlock/Molly
5. Sheldon/Penny
6. Matthew/Mary
7. Arthur/Gwen  
8. Sherlock/Irene
9. Sherlock/Moriarty
10. Damon/Elena

Top 5 Love Triangles/Threesomes. 
  1. Eleven/Amy/Rory
  2. Arthur/Gwen/Merlin
  3. Sherlock/Molly/John
  4. Harry/Hermione/Ron
  5. Sheldon/Penny/Raj
Top 5 Canon Pairings )
  1. Matthew/Mary
  2. Doctor/TARDIS
  3. Ron/Hermione
  4. Donna/Eric)
  5. Clark/Lana (it hurts) 
Top 5 "Not my favorite, but they're very nice alternate choices" Pairings
  1. Arthur/Merlin
  2. Clark/Chloe
  3. Merlin/Gwen (they were ADORABLE)
  4. Leonard/Amy
  5. Sybil/Tom (Downton Abbey)
Top 5 "Wtf that makes no sense... but I LOVE it!" Pairings
  1. Loki/Black Widow
  2. Sherlock/Amy 
  3. Molly/Martin (it does make sense in a way as they're both incredibly awkward but still)
  4. Jon/Dany (As they haven't even met and probably won't)
  5. Stiles/Allison (Idk man something about them sounds intriguing)
Top 5 "I just don't feel what everyone else is feelin" Pairings
  1. Amy/Rory (sortof. I have this thing were I'll ship them in certain episodes e.i The Big Bang, Day of the Moon, and The Girl Who Waited. Other than that, I don't care for them)
  2. John/Sherlock
  3. Clint/Natasha
  4. Ezra/Aria
  5. Charles/Erik (X-Men. Again, what?)
Top 5 "I hope these die" Pairings
  1. Leonard/Penny (BORING)
  2. Stefan/Elena (BORING)
  3. Lestrade/Molly (WHY)
  4. Lex/Lana (NO)
  5. Ezra/Aria

ship: matthew/mary, ship: arthur/gwen, ship: damon/elena, ship: eleven/amy, ship: sherlock/molly

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