the more you put me thru the more it makes me wanna come back to you.

Oct 04, 2005 21:21

so sunday wasnt as bad as i thought it would be. i had my favorite cousin 3way donovan.and his mom got mad but it was all good i guess lol. but yea so i ended up going over donovans house. and we talked and everything becus i had ALOT on my mind that i needed to say to him. and were fine and everything. and then me nd him were wrestling nd it was fun... just like old times.. when he wasnt locked up. and yea i went to his grammas house with him nd his mom nd sisters. and the 1st 10min i was in her house she called me fat.. yeaaa. then we went and dropped donovan off so i was in the car with his sisters and mom. and yea okward convo there too. and then donovans mom dropped his sisters off at there stepdads. and his step dad decide he would come out to the car and talk to me. okward moment there too. then it was just me and donovans mom in the car and we talked and it was okward but a fun nite.
then yesterday i went to school and couldnt stop thinking about my baby becus i misssss himmmm!!! :\ and me and sean got into a figth and im pretty pissed off at him. and hes verry hippocritical!! yeaa.. and then i had a game and coach was making me mad and i wanted to slap the shit outta her! and me and barbie won. i think we won as a whole team... yea
then today i wasnt feeling so hott so i didnt g2 school. i woke up around 1045 and then went with my mom to drop my dad off at work. then we picked my sister up from school. and then we came home and i went back to sleep and woek up aorund 7 took a shower and then calld donovan. and he got suspended from school... AGAIN. yeaa.. so hes not getting out his weekend.
thursday is the last day we'll be togeher in uniform as a team :\ sad. .. i met alot of new people. and made new friends and yea.. :\ its actually pretty saddneing.

yea so that my week so far.

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