good bye my love

Aug 20, 2005 23:28

*First off since this post is not friends only... I dont want any anonymous commenting on anything about Jeff and I... please? Its over and done with and now im trying to move on from this pain and grow as a person. Please if anyone who reads this knows Jeff or any bad things hes done... keep them to yourself. Dont add to my pain. Thank You. *

*So this is real. Im still in denial but now its all real. Not just some silly fight this time... its real. Im single. Were over. Were done. And im not mad, im just heartbroken. Im devastated. I feel like Ive lost a piece of me. Anyone who has lost a loved one before knows this feeling. When someone you love dies, all you can think of is how you will never hear their voice again, never touch their hand, never kiss their lips... how you would give anything in the world to have one more moment with that person before they left this earth. Well thats how this break up feels.

*Jeff if you read this, im sorry. Im sorry you have these issues. Im sorry I wasnt good enough. Im sorry it had to end like this. I love you with everything I have and I always will. You will always be a part of me whether we are together or not. I wish nothing but good things for you because I care for you. I hope that wherever you go and whatever you do... youre happy. I miss you already.

*All I can think of is 'whos going to be there when im crying, whos going to bring me flowers and Dunks to make me feel better when Im sick, whos going to call me randomly to just tell me they love me, whos going to hold me in their arms so tight I feel like nothing can hurt me, whos going to hold my hand so gently and lovingly that I feel perfect, whos going to wake up next to me in the mornings, who?'

*I cant believe this is real. Someone please pinch me and tell me this was all a bad dream and Jeff and I are still together?

I miss you so much already.

I'm miserable.

I'm lonely in a way no one can fix. (not even my best friends)

I'm scared to be alone.

I didnt deserve this, any of this.

*I talked to Jeff tonight... he cried. Im glad hes showing emotion. I dont want to be the only one suffering. This is the hardest thing I have ever had to do in my life, except say good bye to my grandparents as they lay lifeless in their coffins. A piece of me is now missing, gone forever, not repairable.

How do you fix a broken heart.
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