Aug 20, 2005 02:08
a show that starts with a death on every episode. six feet under is my drug. i love watching it. it brings up issues to think about. are we all just watching people leave. watching others walk around us without realizing we rn't truely there. and do our lost ones watch us for a few days before they finally move on? "we r all wounded. and we carry around our wounds until they one day kill us"
"Nate: ur suppose to be my haven away from all that.
Brenda: i'm not suppose to be anything"
i love that quote. that is what i want. something that to me is a way to get away but in actually reality they are nothing. they r just there.
actually right now i'm not looking for anything. corinne shook me up enough that i realize i don't want to look anymore. i don't want to be on the "prowl." it's funny i just met someone new and i'm so comfortable with knowing she is my friend. it's someone just there. and i feel she is the same way. we were both looking for just someone to talk to. and we r both just grateful. if something more comes then it comes otherwise i'm just happy to see "new message" and to just talk.
my heart feels so light right now. it feels good. different for a change. i also have a lot of friends just going off to college and i'm happy to realize that they know i'm here. they are scared or overly excited and they turn to me. i like that feeling. i like knowing i can help. and that i have a purpose.