i can remember..if i think so patiently..

Mar 01, 2006 19:45

Oh man, so i'm looking for a new job. Ingles is retarded...yesterday they wanted someone to work, and deliah and i didn't want to, plus i was wearing our TN shorts...it wouldn't have worked..and i needed to put tires on my truck. Well anyhow Jeremy got pissed, and he has hired 2 more cashiers...meaning..i'll be getting about 2 days a week now. Screw it, i'm finding another job, Deliah and i are going job searching sometime=D...I want to be a waitress. It sounds pretty great=)

Other news, i'm starting to pull my grades up..I'm actually get this section in Math class=D yay! Chemistry, I understand!! the Stoichometry! lemme tell ya thats so hard crap...but i get it!!! *sigh of relief*

While i'm waited..i was wasted away. Hope was wasted away, faith was wasted away, I was wasted away...Never never wanted this, how could i ever believe, ur thoughts can deseve..

I love that song more than life...The great disappointment! Its wonderful. Probably one of my favorite songs in the whole world...it just reveals a lot about life. I'm so happy...WE GRADUATE IN LIKE...A FEW MORE MONTHS!!!!

OMG i'm so excited, highschool is nothing but a bunch of dramaqueens, whores, jocks, and straight up bull shit!

I WILL REMAIN! Without hesitation..they'll never find my soul inside..Just as long as no one ever knows...=)

hrm..well i'm gonna go chill out with my 2 lil ppl..Trey and Carson..=D

Peace and goodnight

Hope everyone has a wonderful day tomorrow=D
Smile its almost friday..
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