;_ylt=Aqr7aqsC787NtNdIFDDTZc0DW7oF;_ylu=X3oDMTBiMW04NW9mBHNlYwMlJVRPUCUl This guy is seriously amazing. I read about him last month in Vogue. One of the best politicians in America. He is a doer, he keeps his promises, he is humble and lives in a middle class lifestyle when he could have taken a pay raise, and he stands up for what he believes in. He graduated from Harvard Law School with honors, Bush and Kerry both received mediocore grades from Yale. He was the sole vote that disagreed with the Patriot Act a few years ago! Although McCain and Hillary Rodham Clinton are more popular and will overshadow him in the Presidential race, but if he gets on the ballot he has my vote!!! Look him up, find out more about him...heres a good website,