Jun 28, 2006 10:05
I may have only just turned 22 on Sunday.
I also know that I am still young,
and that I still have many wonders of life to take ahold of..
But I have done some thinking.
I have decided what I want out of life.
I am still working out in my head how I want these things.
But it is there non the least.
And the only one who will know what I want for the time being..
Will be no other, than I.
Once I know how I want to go about doing these things.
I will let the ones closet to me know about them.
Oh, one more thing. I got a application on Monday from Pat Catan's.
So I will fill that out, and bring it in today.
My grandma is in the hospital.. BAH...
I swear I worry too much about people, and not enough about myself..