Feb 25, 2006 21:18
Microsoft Corp. recently held a secret Webcast with some of its closest partners to discuss ways in which the company might improve its Internet Explorer browser and customer confidence in the platform.
Response Une:
Microsoft: “Here’s how we’re going to improve IE: First, we’re going to continue to pretend we implement web standards, but not do so. Second, we’re not going to provide a significant update until mid-2006. Finally, even for mid-2006 we don’t plan on significant updates, because we believe smart clients are the future of browsing web content.” Sounds like a plan!
Response Deux:
Bill Gates: ” Sounds great! ..now whats a plan? “
Response Trois:
Yes, what’s the plan! To improve IE, just add complete support for CSS upto version 2.1. That’ll make everyones job in the web development much easier!!
Response Quatre:
Also lets add more junk to destroy Windows
Response Cinq:
Let’s see, unless they implement proper web standards INCLUDING PNG alpha transparency, IE will always just be terrible :)
Response Six:
Microsoft can’t just implement propper support for W3C standards. If they would do so, then there is very little reason for general users not to switch to any alternative browser. Now there are still nice features available only to IE on Windows that developers might use, even though using web standards could do the trick even easier.
So, unless Microsoft can put something in their browser that would make the use of any alternative browser useless, they have no reason to start including other standards. Doing so, will kill their product.
Response Sept:
Well done. Looking forward to driving the net ! T
Response Huit:
How to improve customer confidence in your platform: don’t have secret meetings.
Response Neuf:
I’ll bet 5000 dollars that you, Blake Ross, will end up working for MSFT. You seem obsessed. C’mon admit it! =)
Response Dix:
custom poker chips:
Certainly one may say, ?Freedom to speak or write can be taken from us by a superior power, but never the freedom to think!? But how much, and how correctly, would we think if we did not think, as it
~The last one didn't finish jabbering...nor was it on topic...haha, the rest of it, haha!