Hi everyone. Hope you all had a good Easter. Be glad your birthday isn't on Easter. Not that I had a really bad birthday or anything, I just thought it would have been nice to see some of my friends. Or at least not have been sick. Oh well. Can't complain.
From my family I got...
- Two t-shirts
- Like... ten pairs of socks
- Three braclets
- A new wallet
- Sims 2 University (which I played like, all day)
- Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone on DVD
- A digital camera that's like the size of a domino... seriously. It's a keychain.
- OotP in paperback. So now I have two copies of each book.
Plus I got a braclet from my neighbor and $40 from my grandma. Then I, of course, got an Easter basket that had lots of wicked cool stuff in it. And I know that I have like $35 waiting for me at Penn State. So I guess I didn't do too shabby this year.
...If I hear the song "Happy Birthday" one more time I will SHOOT the person who sings it...
I need to go take my medicine (yucky) and maybe take another shower. Love.