Aug 07, 2011 23:07
Characters: Kevin (Iris) plus anybody else
Setting: A lower level of the Danger Room
Content: Training time
Status: Open and incomplete.
Thread-jacking: Hooray
[Kevin's got his cheek pressed up against the .22 long rifle he borrowed from the school's armory. He's on the lower level of the Danger Room, which is where the architects decided to tuck away the indoor range to suppress as much of the gunfire as possible. Still, the shots can still be heard as soft little paf! paf!s on ground level. Here, inside the range, Kevin has his ears protected with heavily padded earmuffs and, as he takes aim, idly wonders if anyone will hear the noise and come join him. The indoor range doesn't get much use -- most students prefer to practice with their powers up on the main level. The Danger Room provides a lot of options for things to aim at. Cyclops used to use the range for target practice, but Kevin's really the only one these days who likes it; as pretty much the only person who doesn't find using his mutant powers fun there's not much of a wait to use the shooting range.
Ali's got those polarizing eyes so she can look at direct light, he thinks. Wonder if she can handle this kind of noise okay, too.
The thought crosses his mind as he switches from the rifle to a .45 pistol - the loudest gun he has. Without proper protection, it packs a punch loud enough to cause permanent hearing damage after only a few shots -- but maybe not to someone with as unusual power as the Dazzler.
The bullet tears a hole into the paper target Kevin's set up. How fast were Julian's telekinetic reflexes? Fast enough to stop a bullet? Certainly not Jono's. Nope -- the big oaf would be dead.
Kevin sighs as he tears a few more holes into the paper. Well. Gotta practice somehow, I guess.]
chara: wither,
[open logs]