So tonight had to be perhaps the best night thus far of my spring break. Nothing overly interesting happened, but the day was just beautiful. Started out with an early morning dentist appointment (NO cavities), followed by a three hour nap, and then Qudoba before EXIT 412, jammed on the bass during youth group, chatted with Dan for some time at Fazolies until 10:00pm and then proceeded to Starbucks to meet Sandi. I stayed there until after 1 meeting new people, conversing, and just plain having fun. I had forgotten what it was like to meet new people and make new friends. Here's to you Chad.
In other news, I'm hoping the surf rock swing band will take off (we'll see on Thursday where it's headed), I'm having a movie night for my recently divorced (twice) friend on Friday or Saturday, Saturday is band practice for the youth, and either Saturday afternoon or Sunday I am meeting with my youth pastor and senior pastor to iron out the details for this summer's work. Busy busy busy, but I'm oh so excited.