So, today was spring fling. The last hoorah before the advent of finals you could say. In what bizarro world do finals start on a Friday at 8:30 am anyway? Grrr
Back to the fun stuff - the Roots were here (they completely rocked it) and it was "mini-Woodstock" craziness and all. The campus is *trashed*. The lawns are ruined until I don't know when, haha good thing they just started growing. It was pretty cool seeing all of the usually preppy and buttoned down New England school kids kick back and unwind. Too much so in some cases... but hey, they're always people who don't know their own limits, right?
Then went to Ana's and for ice cream (at the former Denise's,
kats_meow;)) and now am about to crash.
Mmm need to shower and get unsticky first though.